R.I.P Mr Pigeon, you died for a good cause.........

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dubweiser, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. Just dropped Luu off at the garage for some pimping, today is the day her new carbs get fitted and hopefully the starter issues can be sorted too :thumbsup:

    Unfortunately now the sad part of the tale. On the way there a pigeon was ripping something apart on the opposite of the road, as I approached he couldn't decide whether to leave it or fly away. The end result, you guessed it he decided too late and flew at my windscreen!! It was actually really scary and happened in a weird slow motion kind of way, I really thought the windsreen was going to break :eek:

    Anyway thankyou for the shock Mr Pigeon, I hope you enjoyed your last meal as much as I'm going to enjoy my new carbs ;)
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    don't let marowak see this!
  3. We ran into a pigeon on the way to Spring Camp, it was fighting a crow on a wall but decided to leave the fight just as we drove past - it went under the wheels and ended up as a cloud of feathers in our wake.
  4. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(
  5. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    When I saw this I thought Marowak had died - luckily not as I don't know of another suitable member to take his mod place.
  6. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Horts - as thoughtful as ever :lol:
  8. My Dad ran over a seagull when we were kids.
    It didnt die but was in a bad way.
    Dad thought it would be a humane thing to put the bird out of it's misery. So he reversed back over it.
    That didnt do it. My two sisters were screaming along with the seagull at that point.
    Dad had one more go driving forward. That did it, at least i think it did. We didnt stop...

    He ran over our cat once, well twice actually, front and back wheel. Cat ran of bent in the middle. Came back a week later right as rain...

  9. [​IMG]
  10. I tried pigeon in Devon a few years back. Tastes alright actually
  11. We've 2 friendly wood pigeons who hang around our garden awaiting titbits and bread. They also like to wind up our cat like a couple of gangsters.
  12. My wife hit a dead badger in our fiat seicento, what we had many years ago and Jesus it wasn't a pleasant thing, big badger small wheels we nearly took off. I can still hear today its skull crushing sound it made, we stopped to inspect the car blood and guts all up the side and underside.
  14. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    i hit a pheasant once square on the windscreen (still remember letting go of the wheel and covering my face lol) it bowled up and over and got second hit by a car behind, ran over a cat in my cortina and as the car was rusty the front vallance just fell apart.
  15. That pigeon should been on the Atkins diet.

    And stayed away from carbs...
  16. Pigeons are as thick as kangaroos. I remember driving in Australia and they had a habit of bouncing alongside your vehicle when you're driving down the road, then all of a sudden they change direction for no reason at all and, before you've anytime to do anything, they're under your wheels. Thick as. Roo blood and white paintwork don't go well together I can tell you. ;)
  17. :laugh2:

  19. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I ran me mother down once >:D

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