Quotes para couldent ramble but he likes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. "Don't argue with idiots, They will only drag you down to there level and beat you with experience"
    Barneyrubble and paradox like this.

  2. Some people need a little bit of hope to cling to
    That little bit of hope allows them to get out of bed each morning and give it a go
  3. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    I stopped posting on your threads a few months back because either you got the hump or mods stepped in to clear them up, just last week a thread was modded because someone posted a slight funny comment that you might not have liked. From what I can see on this thread a few people have dropped a few hints but you've just singled one out, it's the same on most of your threads but you don't ever seem to grasp the hints or you just ignore them, when you do notice them you tell the person to " Knob off " If you did'nt post such utter crap maybe they wouldn't feel the need to keep commenting, even your resto thread was modded and pages were deleted because you started crying about stuff, like I and others have said in the past you bring it all on yourself, you think everybody else has got the perfect life and it's just you who struggles along, well nothing further is from the truth it's just that most just get on with it and don't moan, like you said in a thread last week you think your getting old, well getting old is just a number but if you are, you really do need to grow up and get a grip
  4. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    You did assume because you told him to Knob off.
    You're right, I wouldn't. I'm a stay at home childminder and I don't remember a single negative response to me doing what is traditionally classed as a woman's job.

  5. I wasent aware of that thread untill the person that started the thread pmd me

    Once he told me what it was about and what he said
    I told him it wouldent of offended me

    Bob you dont live up here where men are supposed to be men and women are supposed to be women and anything out of the norm is frowned upon

    The standard bloke greeting in my area is ow do and what do you do
    When you reply im a stay at home dad you get all sorts of disgruntled looks and a quick departure

    I may be ex forces i may be northern bread but my entire life ive never been hard ive always lived on the softer side of life
    However ive never been work shy and manytimes in my life ive put more effort into things than my fellow workers
  6. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    There's other stuff in this threat that I don't want to stoke to be honest.

    Regarding hope....my honest view, present company accepted, is that 99% wouldn't know what being genuinely without hope looks like.

    Their hope tends to be life will magically change their existence and land it squarely in their lap.

    False prophets pretending to eschew wisdom to those of us quite capable of understanding cause and affect is nauseating.

    I wasn't talking about anyone on here with my earlier post, just expressing annoyance at the trend of 'inspiration' 'quotes' as they achieve nothing in my view.

    The least they could be is funny.
    sANDYbAY likes this.
  7. That's where my view differs. I think that the vast majority of people are not just waiting for that magical wand to be waved to put things right. Most people are just getting on with life in the best way they know how to get through the day and keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

    If an 'insirational' quote raises a smile or gives them a bit of a boost to just continue, I don't see the harm. I don't see the quotes as the problem. I don't see them giving false hope or false expectations.

    And I think more people have been without hope about something than you might expect at some point in their lives. I've sat outside hospital operating theatres waiting to see if my baby son gets through his next 9 hour op. Those were dark hours and I was glad of the couple of twee quotes on the wall to help provide some hope. And there have been crap times since that they've helped give hope.

    Maybe that's sad, maybe it says something about me (if it does I don't really care)..... but then some people turn to religion to get through the day, some people turn to drink and drugs and some people read silly quotes.

    ..........................Mind you, Motivational posters stuck up in a work place are definitely fair game for a kicking ;):). If moral has got so bad in the workplace that a manager decides they are required, then I think the manager might need to look closer to home and stop papering over the cracks with such tosh.:rolleyes:
  8. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Yes, and rather than having a big picture plan and attitude to get out of whatever hand to mouth rut they are in, they do the lottery. There are many circumstances when hope is all you have left, I was without hope when the Mrs left me, but eventually it dawned on me that it's pretty weak to blame circumstances and mooch around hoping things would look up. At the final judgement we're responible for our own circumstances and happiness.

    Not a dig Para, and above is just a general comment. This can be aimed at you, but I'm "just saying": What you do, how you look at life is up to you and none of my business. When the chips are down, if one feels unaccepted, can't find employment or whatever is holding up your life, then move. Blaming circumstances is weak when there is opportunity to change them, which there always is if we look outside our own little bubbles.

    My divorce papers are going in the post this morning. My home for 25 years is to be sold. I'll have to relocate my workshop and move to another part of the country where I don't know a soul. Change what's wrong and move along. Hope is all very well but it's actions that count. Onwards and upwards:thumbsup:
    Silver, physiopro and chrisgooner like this.
  9. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Here's one I just made up. "Hope fills a hole created by despondency, but hope is passive. Action is the way out of the hole." Not got time to word that better but you get the gist.
    physiopro likes this.
  10. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    The Hoppists were primarily concerned with a particular verse from the New Testament. St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 13, verse 13 had been misprinted in a certain edition of the Bible. In their version, the verse read "And now these three remain: Faith, Hop and Charity. But the greatest of these is Hop".
  11. Sorry, couldnt resist.
    jivedubbin likes this.
  12. I get what you say @zed and do agree that action speaks louder than words. I used to be a tree surgeon/forester. I bust my shoulder too many times and had to find another way to pay the mortgage. I paid to do some retraining and after 100s of rejections, eventually found and office job. I started back ay the bottom but it paid the bills.

    But I think that there are other situations where someone is not in control. When a surgeon was performing his life saving work on my son, a silly saying actually held the despair at bay. Daft maybe, but words have power and whilst some may use them as a crutch or excuse, I think just as many use them as a to get through a difficult time and even to inspire them to be something better and do something more.
  13. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    There's a vast difference between the people that churn this crap out and those that occasionally need the distraction from it.

    Most of this stuff isn't acted on, in fact it's read once and then the message is lost. Worse, often the person feels compelled to share this stuff or ***** about with the font of put it over some 'woodland' 'seascape' or something blurry in pastels shades, as if they suddenly are some form of spiritual guru for the rest of us.

    Shooting for the moon watching Jeremy Kyle.

    Hope is convenient, hope is too big for a person to influence and let's cling to that in the absence of any other form of control or influence.

    Nothing wrong with that, I dig that, I honestly do. In moments of genuine darkness where all of your ability to change events is gone, then yes, hope is all that remains.

    Where hope becomes a problem is when it's used as an excuse, a reason as to why someone can't make a change that whilst hard, is within their influence.

    And my view is these messages promote that....it's exceedingly rare that you find yourself in a position that genuinely you can't do anything about.

    Its turned into a cottage industry for propaganda for the idle of thought.
    Silver and zed like this.
  14. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    You say it so much better than me. A kind of opium for the masses.
  15. Or as they say where i come from

    If your going to have one

    Have a big one
  16. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    You're a lot more relaxed about it than I would be if someone was shooting at me.

    You be careful!
    Moons likes this.
  17. I,ve just realised how trite and shallow my life is, sensible conversations and all I do is respond with a meaningless clip from youtube. Someone find me a quote to live by or a mantra at least before I disappear in to the swirly whirly vortex that is the devils music.;)
  18. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    I like the quote and think its speaks more about my mentality and outlook than yours. I know you started the thread, but not everything is about you or directed at you.

    If you want to make it about you and it looks like a flat cap and it's in your size.............
    Kruger likes this.

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