
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by beatnick, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    I have 2 pairs of really nice shoes i bought recently.They are gold look bodied and asbestos substitute lined for that required stopping power.I think they are '70's repro...
  2. I intend going to my grave having never owned a pair of trainers. ( "Bumper shoes" they were called, when I was very small)
    beatnick likes this.
  3. running is a bit risky at your age too nike /sorry nick
    beatnick likes this.
  4. I had plimsolls, choice of colours...black, black & black when I was a kid.
    Probably does the measured mile along the prom to Minster and back. I can manage the measured 300yards from the Playa to the Little Oyster in about 10 mins.....then stop for coffee.:D
  5. you punks are all the same :D
  6. If you forgot them, you had to do "Music and Movement" in your bare feet. I'm a treeeee...
    beatnick likes this.
  7. and knickers and vest :D
    Barneyrubble, beatnick and snotty like this.
  8. Oh, yes! I used to live in terror of forgetting me PE kit, as you had to do it in your pants :eek:...

    Young folk today don't know what hardships we've endured. Mutter, tut.
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  9. I just spat beer laughing at those memories, thank you both :)
    snotty likes this.
  10. Happy times for me at primary school :). I remember being violently sick during Harvest Festival - about halfway through "We Plough the Fields and Scatter", as I recall.
    Terrordales and beatnick like this.
  11. When I started teaching one of the first things I did was have a forgotten pe kit box with decent stuff in it. I remember the trauma of vest and knicker pe.

  12. This is pretty much the reality of my working days :D
    snotty, Terrordales and beatnick like this.
  13. Joyce Grenfell is dead good.
  14. Love her, spent years trying not come out with phrases like, "what flower will you be? A cauliflower? Lovely, just do it gently" but I know it's futile now :D
    Terrordales, snotty and beatnick like this.
  15. Music and movement? We had none of that organized stuff...music was the distant monotonous tuning of a pan in the run up to Carnival and movement the rush to get to the Popsicle Man at break. Happy days :D
    beatnick likes this.
  16. Don't forget your school milk!
  17. Frozen and pecked by the blue tits or so warm it made you feel sick.
    snotty and 72wilma like this.
  18. The reason I can't drink milk now
  19. It's true - I'd forgotten that!
  20. when i was at school we had to play football, every body had the latest gear, george best boots, nylon shirts and shorts. My mum got my kit from the scouts outfitters, I looked like this

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