Microsoft Surface Tablet

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chappers, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Anyone want one? I can't see the point of tablets and despise laptops, but for some reason would buy one of these :eek: Whats that about..

    Surface by Microsoft
  2. funny enough they were talking about getting one in the class where I work, so they can input pupils data while they are assessing them and being Microsoft should intergrate with the rest of the system
  3. I suppose it's just a question of 'How much?' £xxx

    I watched the 47min Microsoft Surface Keynote last night.. Insomnia anyone?!
  4. I watched a couple of live blogs as it happened. Some interesting ideas Microsoft have come up with BUT

    Did the see that during the presentation one of the units messed up and he had to swap it over quick sharp? Typical Microsoft.

    Also they didn't actually demo anything to show it working and how well it works, and haven't released a price or a release date.

    How can you have such a 'Major' announcement and not have details ready for the public?

    Use Apple for example, only announce and demo something when it's fully working and ready to ship.
  5. I did notice that, I think he was going to demo gaming (it froze).. And quickly swapped tablets and moved onto netflix.

    Good thing about Microsoft is that someone will hack it to run what the hell you want on it.

    Apple have a superior marketting strategy, but this is a bit different from MS.
  6. I think they have failed with windows 8 for the pc though. I get it for laptops, phone and tablet but not widows. It's just not desktop friendly.
  8. I develop software for Microsoft systems, so I hope it's a success, my stuff would look great on it :) Also the development tools I use already have Surface support and as much of my GUI development is geared towards drag and drop user interaction Surface would be ideal for it.
  9. Don't like it, that hinge is going to last 2 seconds in my hands!
  10. You are aware that it is a magnetic cover lid that clips on and off that doubles as a keyboard?
  11. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    I think the advertising with it's mechanical/manufacturing feel is directed at the pratical rugged types (not to say It is rugged) not the fashionista Apple lovers.
  13. clunky and cheap looking. rather have an apple product. least they work and dont crash and BSOD. wouldnt touch microsoft with someone elses bargepole, or windows. even tho win7 is better than all its previous stuff. however its just a cheap copy of Mac OSX but without any of the functionality. its legacy already. zzzz. about as exciting and interesting as a eastenders omnibus. designed by committee for people with low expectations.
  14. Honky

    Honky Administrator

  15. i have thought about getting some sort of tablet for my 2 year old daughter that's addicted to youtube

    she can't work the mouse on our desktop or the finger thingy on our net book

    but the touch screen on my mobile she can work, so hopefully a tablet would be the same
  19. I don't have great expectations for this, but I'm gonna take a look when it comes out, I like the USB ports that the iPad lacks, might be better for business trips so I can work more easily on work docs

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