Meet "Bob"

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by earlybaybob, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    Welcome, tidy looking bus
  2. Rick, he is called bob because of the number plate - it starts BOB
    rickyrooo1 likes this.
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    DUH! I know Dan.................... it was a joke........
  4. hello bob , nice job bob:thumbsup:
  5. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Looks good - welcome along :hattip:
  6. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Welcome aboard!! :)
  7. Rick, It depends which number plate I choose to use though - the actual one or the one etched on the windows - my van has a stealth mode don't you know! Or a split personality!?!
  8. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    oh yeah I forgot it was a ringer........ what was that other plate cre ??? k I wanted to check it.
  9. CRE 358K
  10. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    well, that plate checks as dead so I imagine the 2 pieces of glass in the van with the different reg on were from a scrapper, you're safe it's probably not a ringading
  11. Nice bus - I like Earlies but prefer Lates. Yours looks a good 'un welcome along :)
  12. Thank you all for the comments (aside from the threats of burning and that my bus is a ringer)
  13. I prefer to say it was the first hybrid. You can forget you Prius and the like. Mine is a hybrid of an prototype bay, Cali doors, Brazilian front, lawn mower carb, JCB side window. Bob was ahead of his time....
    rickyrooo1 likes this.
  14. Rick, I ordered new 5.6mm R9 fuel hoses yesterday - redoing he fuel line and moving the filter again as discussed. MOT tomorrow at garage only 1/2 mile away (couldn't get hold of Moley?) - the guy said its fine to MOT even if it won't idle. Having said that he has worked on quite a few VW's before and is going to do some tuning and get the carb running properly before he MOT.

    Also found myself cleaning the engine bay yesterday - can help but think this s a pointless task on an engine this old!?!
  15. Hi to BOB,and welcome, we joined last week, I just need to learn how to use the site now!
  16. Bob looks smart..
    earlybaybob likes this.
  17. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Nice tidy looking but shame about that rather common colour on it.:D
  18. It actually changes colour automatically! If you drive it around for a few months it changes to a grey version of orange. Then if you throw water at it - piff paff puff its orange again. As I said, Bob is way ahead of his time!
    Tuesday wildchild likes this.
  19. Hi Birdie, fellow newcomer. It seems you just have to just have a good grasp of irony and sarcasm and site works easily.
    Birdiesbus likes this.
  20. I leave the ironing to the misses...

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