Life can be so s*** sometimes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MangoBay, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. Just learned in last hour that my little brothers 8th month old boy has cancer.

    My brother is the nicest person I know in the whole world.

    Why ?
  2. Sorry to hear that dude
  3. No idea why and it really sucks, but lets all hope it has a happier ending
  4. He's being transferred to Great Ormond Street in the morning. Tests, scans, surgery and Chemo all to come in next few weeks for poor little fella.
  5. Oh my :(

    Kids are amazing at bouncing back and Great Ormond Street is fantastic. I really feel for you as a parent too.
  6. Really sorry to hear that mate.
  7. Thanks I appreciate that but I feel helpless. I would give my life for that little lad or my Brother.
  8. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Thats sad news to hear, I sincerely hope that he is sorted out quickly, cancer is absolutely aweful..All the best to him
  9. Thanks Mork.

    We know from ultrasound that it's in his one of his kidneys. Lets hope when he has his CT scan it doesn't reveal any more bad news.

    No one should have to go through it let alone an 8 month old baby
  10. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

  11. that is sad news
    praying for your family.
  12. That's really sad our thoughts and prayers are with him
  13. Sorry to hear your sad news, God bless him.
    Lets hope for the best, loads of hope and strength to all the family.
  14. Sorry to hear this, I have an 8 month old, and I couldn't imagine the pain you and the family are going through.

    He's going to the best place mate,

    Now I'm not a religious person, but tonight I have said a prayer...

    Pass this Karma along...
  15. Best wishes to you and your family, cant begin to imagine your pain at this time, that hospital works wonders, as said he is in good hands . :(
  16. I hope so.

    Thanks for your kind messages of support and faith in GOSH I'm not religious either but all of a sudden I'm seeking help from somewhere for my little nephew and I feel myself wishing I had a belief in something.

    That doesn't make sense but then I can't think straight right now.

    What can you say to a family that is going through what they are tonight ? To hear my brother sob at age 39 hurts so much.
  17. Nothing you can say mate.
    Just be there for them.
    But you know that already.
  18. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    :( That's so hard. :(
  19. My boy went under the knife (not cancer) at only 3 weeks old and I shall never forget having to leave him at the doors, you feel so damn helpless. Nothing anyone can say will help you through this we send our love and best wishes to you and your family!
  20. Gutting for the whole family I feel for you I really do
    And I hope there a good outcome

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