Kidney stones

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by the2ems, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. Me too. 4 in the morning on the way to A&E. Had to get out the car. I was retching so much I thought my insides were coming up. Fortunately my stomach must have been empty because nothing actually came up. Daughter thought I was dying.
    Kkkaty likes this.
  2. ‘im indoors gets them. A mate was driving him, at speed, to hospital once and he was sent so loopy by the pain he opened the passenger door and tried to climb out.
    the2ems likes this.
  3. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    But again, for me and other gout sufferers, it depends on the ph...
    the2ems likes this.

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