Ipad 3 announcement in less than hour

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by StellaFella, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. Well it's that time of year, Apple fleecing consumers with a new bit of hardware ::), however I think this one will be a massive improvement over the ipad 2, rumours are better screen HD,better cameras and could be out on the 16th March :)
    check the live blog for news as it happens:


    Will you be getting one?
  2. I will be getting one on my next US trip. Rumoured that price won't change, but that they'll have a monster sized 128gb version :) I also heard that the case will resemble an IPhone
  3. I don't get the hype, I've got an ipad 2 and it's very good. Does it need an better camera, I don't take pictures with it. Is the screen crap, no films are perfectly watchable on it, is it slow to operate, again no...

    Unless apple have got something special up their sleeve, (and they usually do), it just feels like releasing something for somethings sake...

    And I'm sure they will 'dedicate it to Steve Jobs' to keep sales up.
  4. matty

    matty Supporter

    needs a usb slot if not its a no from me
  6. Gutted.. Just got an i-pad 2 :(
  7. I'll probably get one, but only because I don't own an ipad at all, if I had a 2 I wouldn't rush out and buy a 3 for the sake of having the latest!
  8. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    I bought a 2 and kept it for a week. Of the 3 is a viable laptop replacement I might try again.
  9. 4g sound cool.
    But I'm cool don't need one.
    Maybe if my laptop dies and I have money to burn...witch my vans good at.
  10. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I'm positively wetting myself with excitement

  11. i dont see why people feel the need for a usb 'slot' - its a nice toy - but no new gadgets ontop of the 2 ...

    my hope is the ipad2 will reduce in price
  12. Unless the announcement is "We're not going to bother" I'm not interested.

    The iPad 2 was only released a few blooming weeks ago...or so it feels...
  13. Cant wait and the wife is happy as she gets my cast off ipad 2.... Ooo im so excited
  14. My lap top died over the weekend and i fancied an ipad but after playing with one down the shops the ipad 2 is no replacment for a lap top, when the 3 comes out if that reduces the price of the 2 then i might get 1 :thinking:
  15. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Do people really care about new this and new that :eek: does your old one do what you want ??? if so who cares about a new one, these companies thrive on the hype they try to pull, people actually get paid to flannel you :eek: it just goes over my head
  16. I'm now considering a 2 but it depends on how the $100 price drop reflects over here :thinking:
  17. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    It won't reduce the price of the 2 I wouldn't think. If it does it'll be the first apple product to reduce the price of it's predecessor won't it?
  18. They are saying the ipad 2 price is dropping by $100
  19. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Which'll end up being about £50. Might as well buy the latest.
  20. I got the 1st iPad and didn't warrant an upgrade when number 2 came out, but I think I'll get a 3, amazing screen, good camera, 1080p Video ,also any new apps will be developed for the new screen resolution like the iPhone 4.

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