
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by b0dyr0ck2006, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. Good luck & keep us posted
  2. good Luck!
  3. Good luck, What time is/was the interview?
  4. It was at half four. Got there 15 minutes early. ;)

    Suited and booted. Had a pleasant chat with the boss and he seemed happy with me.

    Asked him about time off etc and got told I probably won't be able to do many shows if I get the job. Bummer

    Asked if he had any advice for me for interviews, how he thought I presented myself. He replied "your confident, well presented and have good eye contact, if you make it through the short list I will invite you back for a second interview."

    So all in all seems to have gone ok.
  5. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  6. Just to let you know, I heard back about the interview today.

    I didn't get it.
  7. Ah man - sorry to hear that :(
  8. Sorry to hear that dude
  9. That sucks, sorry bud.
  10. It's a start though, at least I got an interview.
  11. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Unlucky :( keep trying
  12. Bet is was a poo job anyway, better off without it.. ;)
  13. Their loss not mine. ;)
  14. i would see it as practice the next one will go a hole lot better by getting it, its one tiny step

    i don't know how i got any of my jobs i don't interview well at all the one i have now i was late for couldn't find the main entrance but most of it was tests witch i do very well at I've been there 9 years in June now i don't even work for a living or what i see as work having had only manual jobs machine ops and the like i now work most of the time in an office and use my brain insted of my back(that's buggered anyway made of glass)

    all the best for the continued search

    my dad always said if you have a job you will get a better one have you tried agency work i know its pooh but it is a job and will show a future employer that you will do anthing for work i think it shows a bit of initiative

    here endth the rant good look on your search
  15. I've thought about agency work but from previous experience it's not reliable enough, and that was when the job market was good. Ok if you single and at home but not do much when you have a family depending on you.

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