I got a lamp post blocking my drive, what can I do?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chrisradioman, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    Notice the shonky telegraph & electric pole outside my house blocking my drive, it really *******es me off Western Power want £3,000.00 to move it. It supplies electric to the 2 houses opposite me across the road & supports a telephone wire to a neighbor 2 doors up, what the flock has that got to do with me & why do I have to have it blocking my drive what can I do about this (apart from cutting it down)?
  2. £3000!! I will have a bash for £2500 :) Cant say fairer than that !
  5. Its a sad state of affairs but I doubt you have any choice but to pay, or live with it, in most areas, as far as electricity goes, one provider owns the lines and it is only them that can do the work (Gas is different) Water is the same as leccy, with Gas, you can have a private contractor do the work, but not with leccy and water.

    Not sure if this applies in your case as this is above ground, but for underground that is the case.

    Your issue may be compounded by the dual use of the pole.............sorry I do not have good news for you mate.

    One light at the end of the tunnel, and this is not a guarantee, if its leaning and you feel in danger, then you can get it put right, and potentially and couple hundred £££ in the hands of the guys who put it right might get it "shifted" over a bit
  7. question was it there before you moved into the house
  8. Shame it wasnt set alight during all those riots down your street ;)
  11. Hmmmm

    Has your house been extended ?
  12. Looks to me like the pole was there first. Whoever put the garage up and laid the drive was either lazy or couldn't be bothered to pay the £3k and leave it for the next homeowner to sort out...

    It looks to be a bit dodgy to me. Should have kept the stay pole in place - if that goes over and lands on your property you'll have no comeback and won't be able to claim off your or their insurers. Even worse for you if it goes over the other way and clobbers someone else.
  16. who owns the land the poll is on ?
  17. Poland ?

    ....The polish

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