How did you all get your user names

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chrisradioman, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. No I'm not a real princess nor do I think I'm one  My first name is Rachel so that's the Rara part. My nephew gave me the name when he was small as all ladies where princesses to him and it has stuck for the last 10.
  5. Me and the wife are Maureen and Malcolm
  6. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  7. my name is Sean, and I'm not very creative :)
  9. no idea!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
  10. nedfaux

    Ned Faux

    Its my name.
  12. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    doh, i know i was being fas, fas erm fasecious (sp) oh erm i mean it was a bit of a which one of you is emma and which is emil?
  13. My comes from one of my favourite Far Side Cartoons

  14. Mine is simply.....Name - Dave.......Occupation - ChipsAway Body Repairs.. Think you can work it out from there!!!
  15. Well you only have to look on the frt of my van ;D
  16. Its all Woodys fault!! I was happily living my life as Hippyhough but for some reason he thought I looked more of a Trevor.. Stupidly I answered to it (I have answered to worse :-[ )

    And Magical Trevor was born!!! ;D

    Now Ive had to fork out for a new username sticker :( :(
  18. my van is called olive and shes a bay=olive-bay 8)
  19. My irish grandad who was a betting man had a horse for each of his grandchildren that he would always bet on when they were racing. My horse was Sparky's Choice so I became sparks to everyone in the family.

    The 'x' is just cooler.
  20. Im mike and I have 4 personalities (that I know of)

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