help....please read.....COOOONCREEEETE

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by volkswombat, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. cow poo is cheaper
  2. I have 2 tons of ballast sitting in my garden after my dad's miscalculation. We were only doing 5 posts for a fence.
    He was still scratching his head as the lorry drove off. I had to shovel it all through to my back garden to get it off the drive!!
    snotty, zed and CollyP like this.
  3. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    At must one bag(not aton bag) of ballast per post should do it, not forgetting some cement and a dash of water.
  4. Exactly,tell me about it. The stuffs so cheap I can't give it away, it's too much trouble for someone to move it! I'll have to think up of a use for it.
  5. Where are you?
    zed likes this.
  6. if you're trying to level off a gradient on concrete, using a fresh concrete float on top, you'll have to be careful with the depth at the 'shallow end', especially if you envisage putting any weight on it (a car for example)'ll need to be deep enough so as not to crack....bonding new onto old can also be's not just a straightforward 'shutter it and throw it in' job (despite what others may tell you...gen up before you make any decisions
  7. Shed?
  8. Ro
    Rochester kent
  9. Ah.
    Could you parcel it up and post for me?
    14platoon and CollyP like this.
  10. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    In order to avoid heavy parcel postage fees, do each one individually!!! :)
    volkswombat and 14platoon like this.
  11. kev


    Try mixamate they mix it and barrow it for you simple
  12. S'all sorted now....calculated right after I laid off the mine.....just need time to do it!
    MrsVolkswombat likes this.
  13. We tried mix-a-mate but the cancelled us last minute twice in the last month. Gave the job to a local builder, cost £95 more than Mix-a-mate and all done within the week. He used ready mix - 6m cubed

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