Having dump in your van without a portaloo, right or wrong?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Austin, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. For some strange reason this topic has come up a few times lately amongst work conversation, as a result of a very funny incident with my caddy van, I say if you gotta go you gotta go, and with curtains and space in your bus it's pretty private, so why not?

    Is this right or wrong? (Not straight on the floor or anything, but in a makeshift loo or something bear grills would make)
  2. Isn't that what the sink is for?
    Birdy likes this.
  3. They do burn very well :oops:
  4. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    i've done them in the back of my old renault, those tub trug bucketst with a bin liner are a godsend ;)
  5. If you need to dispose of the offending item that is :)
  6. Wrong even with a portaloo.
    Portaloo or not only no 1's in the van.

    That said if I was on my own with no passengers, stuck in traffic for hours and desperate then I might.
  7. It sounds to me like somebody wasn't potty trained...
  8. Martin Dorey said that you should keep some logs in your van
  9. Someone tried to do it in a bag once but a nugget fell in there trousers and they pulled em back up, all got a bit messy, i would recommend finding a nice toilet
    chrisgooner likes this.
  10. we put a walnut whip on the floor of a friends at camp out :D
  11. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I have in the works van.
  12. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    Tuck your trousers in your socks and sort it out when you get home;)
  13. I have to do wild ones all the time at work, I did one in a carrier bag last week in the back of my works caddy,( couldn't make it any further!) I know someone who did one in braces and didn't realise they had been In the line of fire, he put them back on and we had to break the news. As for the van, I'd say no but if you have to go and you have a portaloo then my guess is you wouldn't have much choice! It's like when you pull up at home and touch the garden gate, that's it the knees buckle!

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    matt and theBusmonkey like this.
  14. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

    needs must sometimes when travelling. It's an art to train yourself not to pee at the same time. Double bag it to start with, go for 10 minute walk after to let the air clear, dispose of thoughtfully. That sounds really gross!!!!
  15. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

    BTW we do have a small thetford but getting rid of that is even worse when no campsite disposal around.....
  16. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Where is @Lord Congi ?
    I believe he has a solution to this problem
  17. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    It not a problem when you know that you're going at 7:15 am every morning, you can kind of plan ahead.
  18. Was waiting for someone to mention the congie poo pan incident haha x
  19. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    I'm a serial offender,
    Did one in the back of an old Bedford CF van in a scrap yard, made a makeshift throne from a couple of tyres laying around, and then wiped with a fabric lamp shade that was handily left in the back, otherwise a sock would've have been getting lost!

    Also done a few into carriers whilst perched over a cool box in the back of a works van when working on remote/desolate sites!

    When nature calls, you've got to go!
  20. Lol that's special forces stuff right there!!

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