Gear selector? Which one

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Monkeytosh, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

  2. If you're going for the high-end ones, not much difference between the CSP and the Berg. I've tried both. Found the CSP a bit too long in a bus. They're both really well made - not EMPI tat.

    If you phone the nice lady at Berg who does the export stuff, she'll ship one DHL. Not that pricey. Berg are a bit erratic (still a family firm, I think). I had to wait a week or so while they rushed off to have more RHD handles made. Worth the wait, though - love my Berg.

    Said it before, but the shifters expect all the gears to be where VW left them. Get your linkage sorted first!

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