Fitting a recon engine 1600tp

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by volkswombat, Sep 1, 2016.

  1. No reverse lights for me , I'm poor :( !
  2. I will get the torch out and go and look after tea (if I remember)
    MrsVolkswombat likes this.
  3. It is separate
    It goes from coil to fuel cut of solo pod then on to the choke element
    It's a short wire with 3 female spade connections
    volkswombat and snotty like this.
  4. sounds like you should have waited for some help
    CollyP likes this.
  5. ha ha, I've bought the switch, just need to do the work!
  6. Mine must be slightly different then?, I have a short wire that I had labelled as coil to (carb) fuel cutoff, which I've fitted but nothing for fuel cutoff to choke, and the wire definitely wasn't piggybacked .
  7. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    Depends from whom!!! :)
    volkswombat likes this.
  8. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    Thanks y'all. I may take you up on that tomorrow. :) (not sure it can be much dirtier :p)
    MrsVolkswombat likes this.
  9. You do need the additional wire, or the choke won't come off (may explain why you're fast idling).

    If you're offering a cup of tea tomorrow, I could bring my old loom down ;)...
    volkswombat likes this.
  10. Yeah the wire was there before, I must of miuslaid it..
    So as long as it gets a feed from the coil + it'll be right.
    Always welcome mate, don't make a special trip though.
    I was going to suggest a race to see whose was in a running first!!
    I have cheated with my big surge though!
  11. You beat me, you b*gger ;). Should be in over the weekend though.
    volkswombat, MrsVolkswombat and Lasty like this.
  12. I've been and had a look - it's fffreeeezzzing out there! I stand corrected, as the others have said, it is a separate mini loom from positive of coil to the two carb connectors.

    In answer to your other question - the fuel cut out solenoid is supplied by coil positive.
    volkswombat likes this.
  13. "Bijou loomette" is the correct technical term ;)
  14. So I just need to go through the tune up procedure now?

    Valve gaps, then timing , then carb adjustment.

    If I put the choke wire in and it's still running fast , do I need to sort that first or just take care of it when adjusting carb,?
  15. Should've checked your tappets before putting the engine in. Didn't I tell ya. Didn't I ;)?

    Tappets, timing, then carb (with engine hot and choke fully off). Set the carb initially as per Haynes (I can't remember the twiddlage). Idle mixture (pretty arbitrary), then idle speed.
  16. Well yeah I checked them when it was on the bench, the bloke had preset them anyway, I guess that's why he glued the rocker covers on ,!
    snotty likes this.
  17. May I say congratulations on getting it in and running
    It's been a steep learning curve for you
    But it will put you in good standing for the future
    You will also be able to offer advice to new bus owners trying to get there head round stuff
  18. Too right, I'll suggest they forget about it, buy a Kia picanto and be happy :D
  19. Thanks, yes it has most certainly been a learning curve, and that's without doing any proper mechanical stuff, all I've done is bolt it all together.!

    Imagine if I'd split my old case, I'd have shot myself by now!

    Mostly done with help from the good folks on here and blunderbus, so big ups to you all !
    paradox likes this.
  20. Anyway I've still got to fix some other stuff and get an MOT, that ran out today.....

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