First time at the coast

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ermintrude, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Cleethorpes! And got a parking ticket boo. [​IMG]
  2. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Brill and d'ohh o_O
    Tiny-Pie and Ermintrude like this.
  3. Int excitement I forgot to pay and display. Still a more memorable first coastal visit. :D
  4. Sorry about the ticket but the bus looks great against that blue sky.
    Ermintrude likes this.
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier


    Lovely weather. :cool:
    Ermintrude likes this.
  6. Good old Clitters!
  7. Don't think we've ever called it that! *shocked face* ;)
    Tiny-Pie likes this.
  8. i was cruising down cleethorpes today :)
    Ermintrude likes this.
  9. :) and :( and :)
    Tiny-Pie and Ermintrude like this.
  10. Great looking van.
    Ermintrude likes this.
  11. Nice one, what colour is that green looks ace!
  12. aww, shame we didn't bump into each other. w had chips and a cuppa in the bus, lots of people stopping for a look and a chat. think my folks were a bit surprised by all the bus love. :)
    Tuesday wildchild likes this.
  13. :) thank you (needs a good clean though) it's a vw 1960's ghia colour, Pampas Green.
    skirk likes this.
  14. North Lincs Council took some pic too! :D :p
    Lord Charles, vdub brvs and bertie78 like this.
  15. had a cuppa to cope with the fine shock
  16. great pics man! looks lovely by the sea :thumbsup:

    typical someone tried to put a downer on your nice times, sucks about the ticket!
  17. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    lol, i originally thought ermintrude was a man too..... just assumed that was the bus name, i got a ticket last month myself in the Beetle, robbing gits.
    Ermintrude and Tiny-Pie like this.
  18. oh i really need to stop doing that!!
    its definitely a habit that needs breaking... just calling everyone dude.. i forget sometime that actually some people arent dudes!

    my sincere apologies ermintrude!
    Ermintrude likes this.
  19. Interior looks really neat, great looking bus!!!
    Dolly Daydreams likes this.
  20. They've done you a favour there - you can use those for your next agreed valuation submission. Tell then they can use them for tourism as well, you may get some of your money back
    vdub brvs, bertie78 and Ermintrude like this.

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