Field of Dreams - York Knavesmire - 30-01 Sept 2013

Discussion in 'Shows Events You've Missed unless you went' started by VeeDubKate, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. sounds good to me!:)
    VeeDubKate likes this.
  2. How about a list of folks who are definately going then?
    VeeDubKate likes this.
  3. Ok I'll start, just copy and add you name:

    Chris - blue crew cab
    VeeDubKate likes this.
  4. Im confused

    Can i turn up in the passat and camp for the weekend or is it not allowed because its watercooled?
  5. I think the way it is working is the show field / show area is for aircooled only but there is area for anyone to camp in what ever you bring.
    paradox likes this.
  6. Ok I'll start, just copy and add you name:

    Chris - blue crew cab
    TomEv - neptune blue devon (Archie);)
  7. you can hind your car behind Archie mate;) haha
  8. The bugcatcher is definitely up for this one , i'll see you there 2ft tommy.
    VeeDubKate likes this.
  9. haha its stuck then! see you there dude!
    VeeDubKate likes this.
  10. Are you taking the inlaws or are you risking it on your own.
  11. We are on our own this time! Go easy on us! I hear good things about your home brew will you be bringing a sample?
  12. I will get a batch on the go this weekend, should be ready in time for the show
    Its not me you need to watch out for , its the Dubwisers that need to be approached with caution
  13. Great stuff! Do we have an eta or is a case of rocking up whenever?
  14. Probably just turn up and keep an eye out for people turning up.
  15. Thanks for the heads up!
  16. Hopefully i'll be coming to this. Will be bringing our doggies for some camping as they usually get left with the inlaws. Just need to get the missus on side.
    VeeDubKate likes this.
  17. Yes we are up for this - plus dog
    VeeDubKate likes this.
  18. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Problem is that it's the week after Skeg vegas and were doing that plus there charging for kids and you cant arrive before six if you aint pre booked :( but if Skegs rained off then we might :)
  19. Chris is right - we had so many watercooled people asking about local campsites as they really wanted to come and as the racecourse is maaahoooosive, I felt it only fair to have an extra camping area added. Some aircooled still wanted to keep in theme with the show so, the best way to do it was to have the aircooled camping, a watercooled camping area (which is actually mixed as some people are in groups of both) and then club camping is mixed. Lot's of learning but I think it's worked out well for all.

    Are you camping as a club and so want a club camping area booked? - just email me at when you have your numbers for that and a club stand. Looks like a lot of the early bayers are going to be in attendance too :)

    Really looking forward to seeing you all there :)
  20. We've had to stagger the entry due to York Racecourse being almost in the middle of York - just to let some of the rush hour traffic get out of the way. The council have requested this and so we had no choice unfortunately.

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