festival peeing

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ermintrude, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. "Do not waste this valuable golden fluid by sprinkling on inappropriate surfaces!"

    These Frenchies, eh ;)?
  2. It's incredibly good for compost and I like the idea of cleaner portaloos for us girls :p
  3. Only the French. I would wonder what happens to the hay after. Does it get fed to animals and end up in the food chain. Nice quote about the golden fluid.
  4. it's left to compost and then put on veggies... mmm, lovely, naturally accelerated compost
  5. Mmm could be good for leeks !!!!!
    Pony, Terrordales and Ermintrude like this.
  6. As any toilet cleaner will tell you, its the girls that make the mess :)
  7. no way! boys wee on the seat and on the floor. ewwwww!
  8. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    Something I dont think they've considered, After a busy afternoon at most festivals, I'm sure you'd be more at risk of trench foot from the resulting moat around each haye bale.
  9. i'd assume the bales would be changed regularly?
    or maybe best way is to collect the pee in a bucket and then pour onto compost..?
  10. Could use it to grow dangleberrys.
    jivedubbin likes this.
  11. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    It's good for citrus trees :thumbsup:
  12. we had a box and bucket for six months ,I was a bit horrified but my french neighbors said it was normal and even used it ,it all went in the compost and made nice vedge...I just take it for granted now I can do my business anywhere..

    I cannot image the bale ever been full?
    Ermintrude likes this.
  13. When I first cleaned public loos I was amazed to find this to be generally true.
    Although the gents could have more horrific challenges to contend with
  14. If you ever go to Austria ,German Alps or the like and wonder at the window boxs full of geraniums ,its due to the chamber pots being emptied out of the window and in to the flower box
    Ermintrude likes this.
  15. Wifey reckons the toilets at the Saturday market we visit are horrific. The guy who owns the place reckons the women's have had toilet and hand driers ripped off the walls. Seriously!
  16. This vid is class. FAIL!

    Tuesday wildchild likes this.
  17. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    As lovely as the thought of you squatting over your compost heap is, I do believe female pee is not as/any good due to your hormones ( correct me if wrong).

    As a younger chap(teenager) I tagged alone with the church choir on a concert visit to east germany where the local priest had two loos one for the females and a compost heap for the males to only pee in. When working in my garage I pee in a pot then pour around the garden to enrich the nitrogen levels which if not all most plants enjoy. No my garden does not smell like a gents public loo.
    Ermintrude likes this.
  18. could be! as contraceptive pills are peed out. v interesting.
    mind you, our domestic water supply has high oestrogen levels; in the uk we don't have rigorous enough filtration systems and so blokes could also have higher oestrogen levels from drinking water. :/
  19. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Ladyboys by the backdoor.:eek:

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