Ex or serving?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Orangepeel66, Nov 1, 2011.

  2. ex royal guard 1975 to 2000
  5. It could be worse, we had the usaaf using our runway at Brize for the B52,s so I got chatting or chewing the fat as they say and it turns out they do even less. One guy did the wheels another the tailplane etc etc, I couldnt believe it and they get a gong for flying across the pond!!!!
  6. matty

    matty Supporter

  7. 1988- Let me out!!!!. As a good ole stacker, blankets are my business... Thought Id get that in before the Sooty, Rigger, and Fairy let rip. ;)
  8. PIE


  9. To all the ex-paras, who remembers such pubs as the Rat Pit, The Exchange, and 5's Wine Bar? Aldershot's finest ;D
  10. Wasnt there one called the Target Bar?
  11. That sounds familiar :) We would always start the night of in the George. The Army and Navy was where the QA's used to go >:D
  12. I think there was. I remember visiting a mate in hospital and going to a bar with a spiral staircase full of flight jackets and desert boots where it duly kicked off big timey. We left reasonably unscathed.
  13. Ex airborne
  14. Pte Ross the worst soldier ever ,but I was good at running ,usually the other way... 8)
  16. What is a Matelot?

    A Matelot is not born; he is made out of leftovers! God built the world and the animals and then recycled the gash to create this dastardly weapon.He took the leftover roar of the lion, the howl of the hyena, the clumsiness of the ox, the stubbornness of the mule, the slyness of the fox, the wildness of the bull and the pride of a peacock - then added the filthy evil mind of the devil to satisfy his weird sense of humour. A Matelot evolved into a crude combination of John Dillinger, Errol Flynn, Beau Brummel and Valentino - a swashbuckling beer swilling - lovemaking -LIAR! A Matelot likes girls, rum, beer, fights, uckers, runs ashore, pubs, jokes, long leave, his mates and his ticket. He hates officers, rounds, divisions, saluting middies, naval police, painting the side, jaunties, navy scran, his turn in the barrel and signing on! A Matelot comes in four colours; white, off white, dirty and filthy - all looking alike under a tan and a uniform. He is brave drinking beer, abusive playing crib, brutal defending his pride and passionate making love. He can start a brawl, create a disaster, offend the law, desert his ship, and make you lose your money, your temper and your mind! He can take your sister, your mother, your aunt, and when he is caught get his captain to vouch for his integrity. A matelot is loved by all mothers, sisters, aunts and nieces; hated by all fathers, brothers, uncles and nephews. He has a girl in every port and a port in every girl. He breaks more hearts, causes more fights and begets more bullMarmite than any other man, yet when he is off to sea he is missed more than any other! A matelot is a mean, hard drinking, fast running, mealy mouthed son-of-a-bitch, but when you are in strife he is a strong shoulder to lean on, a pillar of wisdom, and a defender of the faith and cause. He fights for his mates and dies for his country, without question or hesitation! This is a Matelot!
  18. Currently in the RAF as an rigger/sooty (multi-skilled, but not multi-payed! LOL)
    Being in since 1999.

    Are you sure it wasn't me and Billy (bignosebear), here we are outside the range a few weeks back.
    Sometimes an orange bay parks there to.
  19. In the beginning there was a word; and the word was God. All else was darkness and void without form. So God created the heavens and the earth. He created the sun and the moon and the stars, so that light may pierce the darkness. The earth, God divided between the land and the sea and these He filled with many assorted creatures.

    The dark, salty, slimy creatures that inhabited the seashore He called Royal Marines and He dressed them accordingly. The flighty creatures of the air He called Airy Fairies and these He clothed in uniforms which were ruffled and foul. These creatures were not over popular, as their droppings fell on the earth below, but God forgave them because as He said, they knoweth not what they do.

    The lower creatures of the sea, God called Skimmers, and with a twinkle in His eye, and a sense of humour that only He could have, God gave them big grey targets to go to sea in. He gave them very many splendid uniforms to wear. He gave them wonderful and exotic places to visit. He gave them pen and paper so that they might write home every weekand He gave them make and mends at sea. He also gave them a laundry that they might keep their splendid uniforms clean. When you are God you tend to get carried away.

    On the seventh day as you know God rested and on the eighth day at 0700Z God looked down upon the earth and God was not a Happy God.

    So he thought about His labours and with His infinite wisdom, God created a divine creature, and this divine creature he called a Submariner. And these Submariners whom God created in His own image, were to be of the Deep. He gave a white woolly jumper to keep them warm. He gave them black steel messengers of death to roam the depths of the seas, waging war against the forces of Satan and evil. He gave them hotels to welcome them when they grew weary of doing Gods will. He gave them subsistence that they may entertain the ladies on nights ashore and impress the hell out of the creatures called Skimmers.

    At the end of the eighth day God looked down upon the earth and saw that all was well. But still God was not happy, because, in the course of His labours, He had forgotten one thing. He had not given Himself a Submariners white woolly jumper. He thought long and hard and finally satisfied his mind . . .
    . . . . . .not just anybody can be a Submariner !!

    1985-2008 Royal Navy Submarine Service
  20. Did he invent hot bunking too lol crab mariner ;)

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