Driving licence renewal

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Had a letter from the dvla today
    They want me to renew my licence at a cost of £20 plus the cost of having new photos done
    If i dont they threaten to fine me a grand

    Wtf is all that about apart from them making money from me
  2. That's it in a nutshell, really. Now we have to have photos on our licences, they have to be changed every 10 years in case we stop looking like our photo. I look exactly the same as I did when I was 18, of course ;)
    altair likes this.
  3. Has it expired ,mine has an expiry date on it?
  4. I had a paper licence originally i wasent arsed about having a photo one
  5. May have ill check later
    How can it expire though i passed the test so im allowed to drive
    Seems like its either all for somone elses benefit at my cost or its just an earner for the dvla
  6. Me too, but when you move house and change address on your licence, they make you move to a photo licence. It's a mockery really because on my passport I don't have a beard, and yet still manage to travel through international airports with hairy face.
  7. Hold off until you move house, you'll have to send it off for your change of address anyway
  8. I will be doing beav
  9. Dunno really but it appears yours has :(
  10. It might be that we have reached the point where all driving licences will have to be photo ones. For the past few years since the introduction of photo licences they have been relying upon changes of address etc to result in most people ending up with a photo licence. Maybe we've now reached the point where they're just going to say that everyone has to have a photo licence? When I had a paper licence, the expiry date was my 70th birthday, and I didn't think you were that old? ;)

    It had to happen sooner or later - they must be writing to all those with paper licences and telling them their licence has expired?
  11. I had to change to a photo licence when i moved house as i needed the change of address
    Maybe its a slow gradual move to the uk id card in a stealth way

    So every ten years im going to have to pay for a new licence and photos?
  12. Yep - but under current proposals, the price of renewal is set to drop from £20 to £14 in the future.
    paradox likes this.
  13. I know its crippling :rolleyes: :)
  14. Its the principle Dave

    Im being forced to pay for somthing that has no benefit to me or face a fine
  15. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Its called getting ID cards in though the back door.
    Yes I know not everyone drives but a bet more do than don't and the difference will only increase overtime.
    steveagain, zed and paradox like this.
  16. [​IMG]

    :) :thumbsup:
    oscar, snotty, pkrboo and 2 others like this.
  17. To be honest, I can't see anything wrong with ID cards. Not if you have nothing to hide :p
  18. :baggy:
  19. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    exactly i'd happily have and carry one all the time and any honest man would - it would sort out a lot of the countrys idiots
    oscar likes this.
  20. But this is a driving licence not an id card
    I think TWC has got it spot on and there making us pay for it

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