Conditioned response v etiquette!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dicky, May 13, 2014.

  1. Its actually not difficult. Just drop the subservient approach of sir or madam and talk to people like they are just people. If you need someone to address you as sir (or madam) all the time then you have issues (but then again the industry does have some big issues ie treat people like sh1t and then make them act like servants!
    Ermintrude and Neptuneblue like this.
  2. More about making people feel comfortable to express themselves. Threatened is possibly not the right word.
  3. What frock were you thinking wearing to the event, @Dicky ?
  4. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    A big person of nonsexual description might Not be able to carry off the sequined look so best go for a single colour full length but not to floaty.

    Hope this helps.
    jivedubbin, snotty and 72wilma like this.
  5. Don't know. The Eurovision winner looked fit.
  6. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Ms Dicky is bigger boned but not to say fat just well built you know brick Marmitehouse.
    Dicky likes this.
  7. What with the media falling over itself to refer to the Eurovision winner as "she" when "she" was obviously a he with a male christian name etc. and recognized as a drag queen, one begins to wonder whether socially we are in the theatre of the absurd...
  8. Bit like this?
    snotty and Barneyrubble like this.

  9. Are you saying @Dicky looks like me then :confused: ?
    Dicky and Barneyrubble like this.
  10. I'm not sure which he'd take most offence to. ;)
    Robo likes this.
  11. Going for an LBD I think. I usually get my inspiration from Audrey so hair up and pearls Im thinking.
    Tuesday wildchild, Robo and snotty like this.
  12. As long as everyones happy who cares!
  13. I just found this....
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  14. What is "it"?
  15. did you take that pic only it s not in fow cus
    oscar likes this.
  16. Bloody mirrors there everywhere these days
    oscar likes this.
  17. That is disgusting and should not be allowed. It shows that some people should be locked and the key thrown away. That handbag does not go with that outfit!
    Tuesday wildchild and Robo like this.
  18. Easy mate!
    It's just me, off to watch the rocky horror show. :)
    Jono1249 likes this.
  19. This topic has just cropped up on Facebook as someone on my friends list posted about objecting to being called Darlin' when he paid for something in shop.

    I posted this reply...

    That discussion seems to have gone very quiet now :thinking:
    Tuesday wildchild likes this.
  20. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    So the person with the beard from Austria who won the Eurovision song contest is an acceptable way to refer to - err. The person with a beard from Austria who won the Eurovision song contest?

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