Completely new to the scene

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by lostlogik, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    mate we're all barking, and as long as you have salt by the bucket load you'll be ok on here..........
  2. bus


    hello :)

    I'm new too, well not to buses, I've had mine 10 years.

    Old buses are slow, leak oil, eat money, rust, rust again, handle like a pig, have all the aerodynamics of a motorised bungalow with fuel economy to match, but they're beautiful, I can't imagine life without mine, she's literally part of the family :)

    They do go missing, but they're no more nickable thanany other vehicle I think. Be sensible, keep it covered, get an alarm and a steering lock, and you'll be unlucky to lose it
  3. Hi and welcome to the Forum all a good bunch on here enjoy

  4. Yea, I wouldnt worry about the thefts.......

    its the Fires, break downs, bad handling, constant maintainence, poor fuel consumption, lack of speed, constant drain on money...........

    just kidding ;D welcome along

    We love our bays ;D
  5. Wow, another one I missed to welcome ! I am slipping I swear ! anyhoo, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a warm welcome to the forum ;D
  6. hiya Chris :) and welcome to TLB-land :)
  7. Hi there Chris, welcome to the madhouse. There's no going back once you have a bay you know, they steal your heart, your time, your money, they let you down and need constant attention... but the freedom and fun makes it worth every cent.
  8. Welcome aboard. You've come to the right place for advice on buying a bus. Just don't listen to the advice on colours though. Rust colour is the only way to go!
  9. Oh, by the way, newcomers buy the cakes...
  10. Yellow and Slammed you know it makes sense

    if it ain't rubbin it ain't dubbin

  11. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor


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