Carbon Bootprint and V Dub

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bruce, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. Where do we fit in the scheme of things then ?? 8)
  2. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    *****ed Bruce - less carbon towing it behind your 4x4 on a trailer, Sell it if it's a worry.:)
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    look on the bright side the oil will have run out before you need to worry.
  4. Couple of trees die per a guess???
  5. No worries here, no 4x4 either.
  6. Cos we don't need these expensive hotels, deduct that and add all the times we're off the road, better than a prius I reckon. C:)
  7. I dunno what mine does, do I calculate what the AA low loader does into the equation or do I work out how many miles I can cover whilst on the back of the low loader? ;D
  8. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    It has been said that my pop top is a little dirty but I like to call it "organic patina" and as a result l am sure that somehow it offsets some of this supposed carbon footprint. Reading a good book at the moment called Watermelon. How the greenies are ruining etc etc. I'll get back to you on the CO2 output of your bus later :)
  9. Running a bus is much less damaging to the environment than manufacturing a new car. Particularly if that car is aluminium as bauxite is very energy intensive to extract. Electric cars are a con as well, how environmentally friendly is a quarter of a ton of lead and acid when the car reaches the end of it's life? And the electricity used to recharge them is mostly generated by burning fossil fuels anyway.
    It's all a way of legitamising the massive tax on fuel which the goverment has to squeeze out of us because we're broke. If it was really about the environment ( and it should be), they'd speed up the change from coal and gas fired powerstations to nuclear and/or renewables.
  10. here here i agree my bus does a lot of driveway parking i walk to the shops in the village or send a child
  11. i have the only bus in our village
  12. Bring on the peat burning Dub !!:) >:D
  14. I don't give a monkeys about how big my carbon footprint is, the bigger the better I say.
    I will be worm food by the time my footprint makes a difference
  15. [​IMG]

    The past is the to speak, woodgas burning VW, now where is my axe ? ;)
  17. nice one beakey
  19. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator


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