Can we agree that global warming is a fact?!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Osbert, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. Not all but the vast majority and the most respected. Some scientists believe the world is 6000 years old but not the majority.

    Its not that is suits them, it is the results of the research they publish, yes results can guarantee more funds but results are peer reviewed.
  2. I'd say it's more the other way, the shouters seem to be the climate change deniers, those with an interest in keep the status quo, people with shares in oil companies, mp's paid to advice/lobby for oil companies, loony right wingers who think it's all a big conspiracy, etc, etc.
    The other side seems to be made up of a plucky band of guardian readers who have to shout to get any coverage from the inherently right biased media. Them and the almost universal scientific consensus of course;)
  3. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Great point you make there, it say's a lot :thumbsup: If that's how you wanna compare and see people who don't believe in the lefty tree hugging propaganda that they try to feed us, we're really up sh1t creek :eek:
    chad likes this.
  4. Glibal warming was started by tuesday wildchild trying to make a mungbean cassserole at tekenders one year.
  5. Yesterday I was sweating, today I watched my lads footie and froze my bits off! Not sure whether to wear my flip flops or woolly boots!!
  6. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    Yes and there will be an Ice age sometime between 50 and 10000 years from now,
  7. I am usually stuck between lefty tree hugging or taking a more utilitarian stance based on the opinion that none of it really matters as the sun will burn out or an asteroid may get us first! Happy Christmas Everyone
  8. Pudelwagen

    Pudelwagen Supporter

    I thought the flood was caused by an asteroid impact throwing so much volcanic ash and steam into the atmosphere that it blocked the straits of Gibraltar, causing a rapid rise in sea level in the Med. Luckily for Moses, the waters receded just in time to let him through to the promised land and they are still fighting over it to this day! That asteroid has a lot to answer for!
  9. Last night on bbc 4 they said it wasn't the Red Sea it was the reed sea a marshy area by the Nile delta and it was caused by tsunami draw back. Must be true it was on the Beeb
  10. i think you have all missed the point :rolleyes: where is the op going and where is all the pork pies...:food:
  11. Dubs

    Dubs Sponsor supporter extraordinaire

    Global warming is definatly a thing here..... My nad's are resting on the battery charger for my laptop...
  12. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Why not wear a wooly boot on one foot, flip flop on the other. If nothing else its a bold fashion statement :)
    Osbert likes this.

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