Camperjam - first VW show. Tips please

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NurseClaire, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. Hello All,

    We are joining you folk at the weekend in TLB club camping at camperjam.
    Although we have been to France and weekends away in the uk with the van, we have yet to go to a show.
    So.... What should we expect??
    What shall we bring (got a essentials: few mardi gras bits, alcohol etc) and what are your tips?

    We are coming with a 7 year old, 4 year old and a puppy.

    You'll see us in our red oxide/ marvel inspired interior bay. :D

  2. look forword to meeting you we have kids to let them run wild ;D ;D
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    baby wipes
  6. My advice is to pack more clothing than you think you could possibly need - and more dog bedding. There's nothing worse than having to wander around (or sit) in wet, muddy trousers so an extra couple of pairs of jeans/leggings each and a few extra dog blankets. And wellies. And other waterproofs. And your camera ;D
  9. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    bin bags
    kitchen roll
    extra crockery (cos these type of shows it's pointless washing up)
    basically things that get you out of doing stuff, if on a campsite it's easy to wash up etc here it's more of a pain, try to plan that you can do it at home so take plenty of disposable stuff, like mrs dnd says if it's gonna be wet take more clothes and shoes and socks than normal - nothing worse than being wet to want to make you go home, hat umberella etc
  11. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    as i say, "field events" where you queue for washing up and bogs etc is a pain in the bum it's far easier to do as much at home or throw it away when there...... don't wear your best stuff or worry about what people think if your clothes are messy or hair is scruffy etc 'cos everyone is in the same boat and nobody cares.
  13. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    also money, that may sound daft but a lot of stalls/stands don't do card and last year i had to go off site to get money for an item i wanted as i'd only took abot £30 with me thinking stupidly i could switch things.
    it's always nice to have a meal made that you can warm through as well, don't forget it's no hook up and although there are plenty of food places they are dear and it's pizza/chips/burgers....once you have sausage etc for breakfast and burgers for tea it's a bit tiring - you get the meat sweats :lol: i usually cook a nice meal that i can warm through for one of the nights.
  15. We take proper pans etc, decent cutlery and melamine plates and as has been said above, take enough so that once used, they can be shoved in a bin liner for washing at home.

    Plan what you're going to eat for the whole time you're there. Don't rely on buying food for all of you every time you get hungry or else you'll need to take out a second mortgage. One thing we've been taking to recent shows (given that its not exactly BBQ weather....) is a massive pan of lamb or chicken casserole for the Saturday night evening meal. I've cooked it on the Friday, cooled it, shoved it in a massive tuppaware overnight and then it sits in the coolbox waiting till Saturday evening. It takes about 40mins or so to heat up really gently in a huge pan, covered tightly with tinfoil, on one of the one ring gas cooker thingies (if you've not got one, you'll be able to buy one easily at Camper Jam, with the gas).

    Also, foodwise, I've got a stock of things which don't need chilling which can be made into snacks, like no drain tuna, or tinned salmon (don't forget your bread or buns) and also, jars of frankfurters. Super noodles (if you can tolerate them LOL) or, in your coolbox, shove a couple of those tubs of fresh sandwich fillers you can get at Asda or Tesco.
  16. I think me and ricky might be twins....
  17. A portaloo so you dont risk spending the night in one if u get locked in drunk, i know i know, no one would ever be that daft.... "whistling to myself and looking away from Malc"
  18. I think i might have to swing by tesco's tomorrow night or on the way there, leaving him to pack is one thing. but the responsibility of food.... I think thats a step too far.
    Really greatful for the advice. Dont want to be going off site for things and like you say, food will be very samey and expensive.
    We do have a little gas burner thing so will use that. I guess with the cool box its just a case of get it super cold before hand and try not to open it too many times as theres nothing to plug it into.
  20. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    :lol: at Bev, it's just years of camping you learn what show/holiday you are going to and adapt to it. it's always worth having one of those throwaway bbq's in 'cos if it's nice and you do have sausages or make stick kebabs etc it's all binable.
    Wit for the true organised expertsto come along - the wilmas have a tardis bus and they can knock up a 3 course meal out of aused cornflake packet and some cups...... (or is that tracy island?) anyway don't stress if you ain't got summat people in club camping will always share with you, don't be shy to ask we've all forgot summat at one time.

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