
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by sr771, May 28, 2012.

  1. Going to Italy in July for 10 days of R & R ( not a chance with 3 boys in tow !!!!! )
    Anyone got any suggestions for a good novel or 2 i could take?
  2. anything by Tony Hawks - ideal holiday reading and very entertaining - Round Ireland with a Fridge, Beating the Moldavans at Tennis, One Hit Wonderland or a Piano in the Pyranees. You can put them down and pick them up as many times as you like.
  3. what mabel said i love those books
    i am currently reading the secret garden for book group and someone like you by roald dahl which was a world book day book.
  4. Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential is a great holiday read, not heavy going and you'll think twice about ever eating out again!!! ;D
  5. If you like outlandish and totally over the top action with moves that defy logic then go for Matthew Reilly's Scarecrow series of books, plenty on Ebay and worth a look.
  6. Depends what you like but:

    Ian Rankin and Michael Connolly are both good, easy to read crime stuff. Anything by Terry Pratchett, the first half-dozen or so James Bond novels.

    I've just started the Game of Thrones series, so far so good if you like fantasy stuff.

    For total bubblegum for the brain there's always Lee Childs...
  7. agree with lmpd , also RINGOLEVIO by EMETT GROGAN if u can get a copy , happy holiday
  8. Read Asimovs Foundation series. Easy reading. Oh 2001 space odyssey is very good read too. Much more easy to understand than the film. Pratchett too anything is ace. D Adams Dirk Gently books are terrific.
  9. Thanks for the ideas guys, will try and remember them when i'm in whsmith's next time
  10. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Anything by what's his name.
    Ian Banks is easy reading political thrillers
    Iain Banks same but space age.
    Love the man and he spits out several every year.
    And all them oop there^
  11. WHSmiths? I get all my books secondhand from amazon these days. Usually £1-2 per book, maybe postage but much cheaper.

    Im a big fan of Iain Banks (and Iain M. Banks) myself, along with most of the classic sci-fi, like asimov (mentioned above), and also Greg Bear, Arthur C Clarke, Stephen Baxter, and Phillip K Dick.

    For Holiday reading I also try and take something like Bill Bryson, Jon Ronson, something funny that you can read in bits and pieces when you get a spare 5 mins. Totally agree with Douglas Adams as well. Brilliant stuff.

    Have a great time, never been to Italy but always fancied seeing more of europe than France and Spain!

  12. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    A year in provence peter mayle , three men in a boat j k jreome :)

    michael connolly is good too :)
  13. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Or give yourself the creeps with ANY Stephen King book.
    "The Tommyknockers" is a good one.
  14. Paradoxes thread about girl with a dragon tattoo....try reading that trilogy. Fantastic
  15. My wife seems to have an increasing collection of mills and boon books
  16. The book thief, markus zuzak. Shadow of the wind by wotshisname
  17. I like pop psychology stuff. Anything by Richard wiseman, 59 Seconds is good, he tries and mainly succeeds to sum up self help things that work and debunk myths. Also freakonomics is a good read for a lateral look at how the decrease in crime in the USA could be linked back to the availability of the pill stopping unwanted pregnancies 18 years earlier as there were less people from "broken homes" to commit them and why we are prepared to pay exorbitant prices for coffee in the right setting.

    Also I like most of Ian mcewans stuff although it gets a bit pretentious at times.
    I have just finished reading "why be happy when you can be normal" by Jeanette winterson which is a weird book documenting her unconventional relationship with her deeply religious but confused mother.
    I am trying to read Virginia Woolf's mrs Dalloway at the moment as people always say Woolf is an amazing author and I have never got on with her before having to give up part way through, I may work on this over the weekend.
  18. There falls no shadow

    isbn 1-905562-01-2
  20. I could do with a fire tonight

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