Books from your childhood.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Orangepeel66, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. I am currently reading Stig of the dump to my daughter at bedtime, I remember it so well from my own childhood and it takes me back.

    What books do you remember and are there any you have either read to your children or would read to them if you had them?
  2. I used to love green ham and eggs and othe Dr seus books .....I've yet to find them and read them to my kids - not sure what they would make of them!
  3. [​IMG]

    was talking about this at Dubs in the forest and everyone thought i was mad ...

    also -


    and Ant and Bee books

  4. I used to read the Dr Seus books to my youngster - Fox in socks being a particular favourite of both of us!!! ^-^
  5. Peace at last. Read that to my brothers when they were young. Must get it for my boy.
  6. All of the Mr Men books take me back to my childhood and my little girl loves them too which is nice. :)
  7. ... oh, and The Very Hungry Catterpillar ;)
  8. Conrad's War and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  9. Has got to be The Owl That Was Afraid Of The Dark starring Plop the Owl

    Or Danny Champion of The World
  10. Does anyone remember a book about a character called Torchie?
  12. Harold and the purple crayon
    A little princess
    Little women
    The original Thomas the tank engine books
    Richard scary books
  13. Remember a series at school called Tim and the hidden people ,he had a black cat called tobias and went on adventures :)
  14. Flat Stanley
  15. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    The Famous Five books
    Wind In The Willows
    Winnie The Pooh books (the original not the Disney rubbish)
    The Otters Tale (Ring of Bright Water for children)
  16. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    'When we were very young' and 'Now we are six'

    Real blasts from the past.
  17. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  18. I'm currently reading the Magic Faraway Tree series to Freya (we are on book 3 now!) and next up are the Mrs Pepperpot stories! We have also read Pippi Longstocking, varying Roald Dahl & Paddington.

    I dread the day she is too old for bedtime stories!
  19. There's a particular book I used to love, a big thick book with a load of short stories in it. But the last time I remember seeing it was 35 years ago. Can't remember what it was called, but guess it originates from the early-70s. But if I saw it, I'd know it was 'the one'. I look out for it a jumbles and book sales. I know I'll find an exact copy one day. Might be in 40 years time, who knows. But I'm determined to find it and read it again some day.

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