Big Bang - Postponed

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 72devon, Apr 5, 2018.

  1. Bigbang has been cancelled at santapod.moved.No racing.
  2. No it hasn't.

    It has been postponed until the 18th - 20th May.
    Baysearcher likes this.
  3. Thats what I said moved,joining with the doorslammers event.
  4. But no track time.
  5. Saying an event is cancelled at Santa Pod.moved isn't clear.

    I'd expect some good racing to happen, it now being on the doorslamers weekend, unfortunately not an MSA round now though.
  6. the vw racing cancelled.
  7. Still better than the possibility of very limited racing like last weekend.
  8. 77 Westy

    77 Westy Supporter

    @72devon Is Perry Stephenson still thrashing that old MGBGTV8 of his at Santapod?
    72devon likes this.
  9. Thats not why its being moved.
  10. Why has it been moved then?
  11. To make way for the fast show.
  12. Oh.. Paul Whitehouse and that lot?
    Suss, Purple and Jack Tatty like this.
  13. No The fast show event with racing.
  14. The Fast show has been postponed too, its a knock on effect.
  15. Yes its been moved to the big bang slot. so they can have racing.
  16. Indeed, the Doorslamers event is now having to share with Big Bang, where it didn't previously.

    I wouldn't have been able to make Big Bang previously due to being at Techenders, now its on a different weekend and I'll also see some heads-up doorslamers, I may well go.
  17. But no vw racing.
  18. As you're so desperate for a VW racing event at Santa Pod, go and hire the track and put a new event on yourself.

    Or an easier and cheaper option for you is
    1. Spring Speed Nationals - Avon Park Raceway - 5-7 May
    2. Summer Nationals - Santa Pod Raceway - 29-30 June
    3. Bug Jam - Santa Pod Raceway - 20-22 July
    4. Open Sports Nationals - Avon Park Raceway - 25-27 August
    5. National Finals - Santa Pod Raceway - 6-7 October
  19. Dont think thats sharing.
  20. Is there any news on the Poddington Womens Institute Spring Jam Fair? Heard it was cancelled, but you don’t know what to believe.

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