anyone remember?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 72wilma, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. Frizzets batter mix
    72wilma likes this.
  2. Sadly no :( My parents were beatnick hippies but were born before the era , everything was whole wheat , the only time a fizzy bottle of drink entered the house was Christmas and my birthday ( vimto) ......was feed so much game and fish off the market that I have certain foods I now can not touch, it was cheaper for them to buy the game and fish than buy from supermarkets which of course not a bad thing , and I am thankful , 50p a rabbit ( I now hate rabbit) it was rabbit everything and yes I had to skin them .We lived in Yarmouth ....the treat though fish and chips on Fridays :D
  3. Can I interest you in some "Royal" lemon meringue mix?
  4. Omg!!! You genius!!! I've even found a recipe like the mix that I'm going to give a go.

    Genius :hug:
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  5. I think it was one of the concessions to modernity that my mum made. Either that or something a 7yr old could make without positioning anyone. We were (almost) knit your own lentils kind of family in the 70s, all John Denver and tv yoga.
    jivedubbin likes this.
  6. Food of the gods
    snotty likes this.
  7. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    Only loved that! When we were in 6th form a few friends and I used to make this when we had 'study leave'. That, or the cheese cake that came in a mix :)

    @72wilma - how did your 7 yr old self have to position your family? Height order? :)
  8. My mum used to make a "Royal" lemon meringue every Sunday - I can see it in my mind!


    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2015
    Surfari likes this.
  9. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

  10. Bloody buggery auto correct, "poisoning"
  11. We always used Greene's, they made a mean blancmange mix too

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