Anyone else been poo'ed on today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by marowak, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. I got hit by a seagull on my way back from lunch ... all in my hair and on my trousers ... it's a bit like tippex and impossible to clean off...

  2. YES!! My girlfriend text me to say a bird had pooped in her shoe, while she was wearing it, managed a well timed shot down the rear between her heel and the back of the shoe as she was lifting her foot forwards.

    I laughed.

    A lot.
  3. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    I bet this would be different if it were a pigeon.
  4. glad I am not the only one! K+ for anyone who gets poo'ed on today until monday ...

    nb - your partner pooing on you does not count .... or maybe it does
  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    no :)
  7. Thats brighton seagulls for ya nothing better to do but to marmite on people ;D
  9. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    don't google scat videos then :lol:
  10. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    I will be happy not to get pooed on - even for karma :(
  11. I got pooed on big time by a meddling contractor yesterday. Marmite stirring to the client to make me look bad and him look good. The Client happens to be my Directors best friend so word got back.

    Unfortunately for him I will be the one signing off his works and I will snag his work meticulously and will not sign his valuation certificates until they are complete to my satisfaction. Normally I give and take but not with this guy. Never P-off the Consultant.
  12. Bootsam ... has to be real physical poo I'm afraid ... unless the contractor did?

    What you said does suck though. Never nice when you get some one who is a stirrer
  13. Does baby poo on my hands count!!

    Changed the 1 year old this morning worse nuclear poo ever! He decides to reach down while iam changing him n put both his hands in it!!

    Nitemare took so many baby wipes to clean up
  14. yes that counts ... i imagine in a week or 2 i will be having a similar issue
  15. Well, ive gotta do Lilly's cat litter when i get home and for such a little puss she sure does drop a mother load. I wish she'd p and poo outside. She only comes in to eat and use the litter tray. The tyke. So I guess i will have been poo'd on by an itinerant ginger tossette.
  16. Bird shat on my windscreen yesterday.

    Wont be asking her out again.
  18. I've got a temperature of 101F and feel like poo. Does that count?
  19. Sadly not - no poo no can do

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