'Ang on lads - i've got an idea.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyrooo1, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    facebook to me is the work of the devil, i'm sorry i'm sure you who use it think it's good but all i see in the papers or on telly is it causing fights and bitching, i don't do it and won't do it.
  2. Moons

    Moons Guest

  3. I keep my internet profile low. Sites like facebook, twitter, friends reunited etc etc..are a big no no. Besides who cares if ive been to the shops - lol (sic). And pictures taken of me when p'eed or "other" are not the kind of pictures I want everyone to see. There will be a hangover in the future with all this. You mark my words young man.
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    indeed, not that i have anything to hide but my accounts are all rickyrooo1 and i don't put my real name on any of them, the electronic world lives forever which i think some people forget, also some people fail to see a public forum or indeed a facebook page/twitter page slating people can and has in the news recently cause you to go to prison.....
  6. It is what it is

    It's what you make it

    It's a great place to be
  7. Mr roo very well put my man
  8. Pod


  9. Forum peace and love......sounds like a good idea :hippy: :hippy: ;D .

    Haven't been on as much recently.....family stuff to sort out. But I'm not sure were all the negativity came from. Time of year, shorter days, lack of sun maybe.

    Whatever is causing it, people should just go out and find a tree to hug. That will sort everything out. Honest :hippy:

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