1977 Bay Window hightop

Discussion in 'Show Us Your Ride' started by RustedPistons, Jun 16, 2023.

  1. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter


    Mines factory sliding sunroof under there, still in and fully working just wound right back, no flexing!
    rob.e, Moons and RustedPistons like this.
  2. Very 70s colour coding - love it! So can you open the sunroof and look up at the inside of the hightop?

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  3. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Yes the sunroof stays permanently open so we can stand up and use the loft space for a massive amount of storage!
    RustedPistons likes this.
  4. Hello and welcome
    RustedPistons likes this.
  5. That's great bet it's handy!

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  6. So I've spoken to David re: the seatbelt mounts. Unfortunately, my van doesn't have the standard mount holes

    Can anyone point me in the direction of any information about the placement and specification of the holes required?

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    davidoft likes this.
  7. Belt thread UNF 7/16"

    Use the VW image part catalogue and its part list.
    Here only in German (there are also english versions), but readable values:
    http://www.michaelknappmann.de/bulli/michaelk/vw_bus_d/fiche/t208210.html VW image part catalogue as page 082-10 and others
    http://www.michaelknappmann.de/bulli/michaelk/vw_bus_d/et_nr.htm#t208210 screw 082-10 #17 with 7/16"X25 VW part# 111 857 799
    or special screw #16 VW part# 111 857 793 E

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2023
    RustedPistons likes this.
  8. Thank you so much for this @rsbadura!

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  9. This is what is on our van [​IMG][​IMG]

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  10. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    Hello and welcome to the forum .....bit slow off the mark as you've been here for almost a week, but hey ;) :D
    RustedPistons likes this.
  11. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Unfortunately panel vans didn’t have the seat belt points in the back, different metalwork around the windows.
    RustedPistons likes this.
  12. Yes, I'll be having to weld the points in, unfortunately. Shouldn't be too challenging, though.

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    JamesLey likes this.
  13. Hi

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  14. JamesLey

    JamesLey Sponsor

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  15. JamesLey likes this.
  16. Do you have the bolt holes in the centre on the slopes part? We used a minimac and it straps to those. Not the cheapest way but very solid and well made. If you don't have the wardrobe you can get a wider one that seats up to 4 kids


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  17. What’s your handle? Copy?
    RustedPistons likes this.
  18. Welcome:)
    RustedPistons likes this.
  19. Sadly not - it started life as a delivery van and it seems they weren't equipped with any of the bolt holes.

    That seems like a great solution though! Where do you put it when you're camping?

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    Zed likes this.
  20. We normally take the folding caravan for longer trips as the space is handy..shorter ones it will fit on the front seats or in an awning. Not the lightest thing though!

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