Do you know anybody that's been pulled up by the police for travelling out of their area

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jivedubbin, Dec 22, 2020.

  1. Clearly those 200 to400 well to do skiers who did a moonlight from their ski resort to avoid quarantine didn’t worry about restrictions when they travelled. Most of us are either following to the letter, doing something close to the letter or being careful if not entirely adhering. Some people are above that it seems and it’s not just the great unwashed now is it!
    mgbman, Bhubesi, Merlin Cat and 2 others like this.
  2. It never was just the great unwashed - here's the latest.
    jivedubbin and Dicky like this.
  3. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    It never was of course. It started at the top and quickly pervaded every person with an inflated sense of self.
    mgbman, Purple and Dicky like this.
  4. Puts into perspective the OPs request as to whether it was reasonable to sleep in their van on a relatives drive. I recently fell out with one of these well to do skiers who thought his annual New Year ski trip was more important than the health of the nation, wont get invited to crew on his boat again.
  5. You didn't look Chinese when we met
    Dicky likes this.
  6. Rumbled!
  7. I could have convincing surgery like Sean Connery in..... ( whichever JB film it was ....You only live twice??) and yes I do know that was Japan and not China but you get my gist!
    Merlin Cat and davidoft like this.
  8. Didn't Germany try world domination a couple of times...?
    I don't think that went well.....:thinking:
    Low n slow and Lasty like this.
  9. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    The economic dominance of China is in part all our fault for buying their stuff. It can’t all be cheap and shoddy otherwise we wouldn’t be buying it in the first place. It is possible to make small changes to start redressing the balance, buying more locally when you can, if you can afford to do so of course.
    scrooge95, Meltman, snotty and 6 others like this.
  10. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    China must be very clever as they’ve managed to produce the stuff people want and buy as well as closing down parts of our industry, the expense of living trading here has made some industries non competitive in the global market , China can’t influence that too Shirley :thinking:
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2020
    Merlin Cat, pkrboo and Jack Tatty like this.
  11. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    China will sort itself out. As its people expect better living conditions and health insurance and everything an USAmerican believes they deserve, the cost of employing them will rise.

    Running a massive military can only be done with a lot of money.
    So in the end, China will become more expensive.

    There are a lot of things like New Minis in Oxford that can just as easily be made on automated production lines in the west as anywhere else, where as BMW say, 900 well qualified technicians now do the job of 3500 Cowley strikers.

    Thhe British Empire is gone . The American future is gone. The EU has wasted it.

    I darkly chuckled reading Wikipedia seeing it stated that Chinese labs are behind the American painkiller overdosing with fentanyl supplies.

    Bit like us pouring opium into China in the past...
  12. Yes but that wasn't really by the back door. More of a Police battering ram job.
  13. Indeed True !don’t depress us any more o_O

  14. We have various covidiots in the street, :rolleyes:

    still got families round for the day,
    and others with friends staying over tonight...

    Some of these dimwits won't survive a dose...

    Fat, 65 yr old heavy smoker,
    70 yr old with a heart problem,

    Them and their visitor's obviously are as thick as mince..:(

    Their just nearby neighbours..replicated in every other street..the virus is having a field day..:rolleyes:
    mgbman and Cheesy Wotsit like this.
  15. Pudelwagen

    Pudelwagen Supporter

  16. Faust

    Faust Supporter

    Stop getting Bond wrong ;)
    Dicky likes this.
  17. Update on the missing Brits. The local press are now saying that some hotels/apartments encouraged people to leave, as the next lot of holiday makers were due to arrive.

    The flight ban hit us, as my two children had to spend Christmas alone in the UK due to their flights home (to Switzerland) being cancelled the night before they should have flown. Still, saved them from quarantining here, then again on their return, they study in the UK.

    At the start of the pandemic, when France went for a big lockdown, and Switzerland didn't, some friends of ours were fined by the French police for crossing the border into France. This was on a small muddy footpath in the middle of some woods that crosses a stream (the boarder) for a couple of hundred meters at one point. I believe the word is 'petit', and why were the French police in the woods, looking for the fleeing Brits perhaps?
    jivedubbin likes this.
  18. Which is why we need proper legally enforceable controls to protect these covidiots from themselves, and us.

    Look at all the tourists, some from from that there London who drove to Snowdonia to go walking in the news today. The roads were clogged, and the police were turning some around and ‘educating’ others. Really, there are some that still don’t know the rules? Impound their cars and make em walk home.

    Although it was rough, daughter is now out of isolation and I have just received all clear from a test yesterday. Mrs Wotsit is just waiting for hers. We have spent Xmas in different bedrooms both keeping away from daughter (except for food drink at her bedroom door), and Mrs Wotsit and myself had had to keep away from each other.

    A very scarey time made worse by the cancellation of Xmas, but we are lucky, and hopefully the reek of Dettox will subside.

    Stay safe everyone in the New Year, it is worse than you think out there.
    paulcalf, mgbman, Fruitcake and 9 others like this.
  19. Well I hope people do take heed of the warnings ,
    Because if the hospital’s do get to capacity and the nightingale hospitals get full and under staffed
    And it falls back on the Ambulance service
    There is only so much oxygen carried in them,
    things could become very dire, all that is needed now is drunken people kissing each other on New Year’s Eve to pour petrol onto the fireo_O
    mgbman, Cheesy Wotsit and Gingerbus like this.
  20. I'm afraid two hopes nipper, you've got Bob Hope and No Hope, and Bob is dead. You must be in line for the vaccine soon?

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