What to do with this Flywheel

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Pickles, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. @zed @Paul Weeding @davidoft and anyone else who might have had similar?

    David Oft and i took the engine out, flywheel looks like below, what should we do?

  2. Off a type 4 CB 1700 if that matters
  3. New flywheel
    davidoft likes this.
  4. Yep, new flywheel time!!

    Someone has been running it with a worn/slipping clutch and over heated it... The blue spots are where the flywheel has got near red hot!! :eek:
  5. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    I could get a fingernail in the cracks :eek:
  6. @Paul Weeding @paradox

    I'm not sure thanks is the word I am looking for but at least I know :(
  7. what size is it? (clutch disc diameter)
  8. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    jeepers that's been overheated to get thermal cracking like that :eek: that needs framing, Test Labs strive to get a component cracking like that!
  9. One of the guys over on VZi has just pulled his flywheel, and it was looking like that!!

    Was off a drag engine tho :lol:
  10. Lifes an ebb n a flow dude you just need to ride the tide
    Its more expense and hassle now
    But hundrends of miles into your camping adventures you will have the peace of mind that further problems have been avoided

  11. Theres nowt like real life for properly testing anything
    Paul Weeding likes this.
  12. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    that's very true indeed!
  13. need to check, will pop out to the garage tomorrow
  14. make a nice bird bath....:thumbsup:
  15. Clean it up, attach a clock mechanism and hang it on the wall. :)
    Barneyrubble and Paul Weeding like this.
  16. @Paul Weeding I measured the clutch friction plate about 208 mm - 209 mm diameter … makes it a shrunken 210 mm I assume.
  17. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  18. I blame you @davidoft it was fine until you took it apart
  19. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    I misplaced the under cylinder tins whilst you were making the tea ;)
  20. where have you put them? I'm going to the blasters tomorrow … next time bring a flask
    volkswombat and davidoft like this.

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