What a knob!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by b0dyr0ck2006, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. What gripes or pet hates do you have about other road users?

    For me, thinking it over, there are quiet a few. Lol

    People that use a mobile whilst driving,

    People that pull out in front of you then proceed to drive slowly,

    60mph drivers in the slow lane,

    40mph drivers EVERYWHERE,

    4x4's that have never seen a bit of grass in their life,

    People who park in disabled or mother and child bays that shouldn't be there

    So what really gets your goat?
  2. People that are reactive drivers vs proactive drivers i.e sharp braking because they only look at the one car in front rather than 3 - 4 cars ahead
  3. Middle lane hogs :mad:

    All the useless cretins that see it as their life long mission to pull out on motorbikes!

    Mopeds that ride in the gutter! That's the worst place to be it's like saying please squeeze past an knock me off.......

    Wow thanks dude I'm all fired up now :mad: :mad: :mad:
  4. Lol
  5. people with no manners , TAXI MEN pet hate ill let every car out of a junction but when it comes to a taxi no chance he can stay where he is ,

    women how put on make up while driving or doing there hair at traffic lights ,
    if some on flashes we when i pull out of a junction ,i do the 20 mph drive then if they have a problem then get out owen wn ;)
  6. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    honestly? not a lot really, my mrs effs and jeffs enough for the pair of us, half the time if someone does summat knobbish i just let them go, in my youth i reacted to a guy and gave him the v's he chased me for miles and i was convinced i was gonna get done over - ever since then i've just let things go. if pushed i can't stand people who don't get in the correct lanes at a roundabout or fail to indicate but that's about it.
  7. 60 MPH drivers in the slow lane :(
    Thats me in my bay these days.
  8. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  9. Driving through certain areas of Bradford - all normal standards and laws don't apply there - signal lights aren't used, cars will stop in the middle of the road so the occupants can chat with their mates who are on the pavement, nobody thanks you for letting them out of a side street and then there's the cash for crash fraud which is on an industrial scale in Bradford. I try to avoid Bradford.
  10. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    I do 40-60mph in every lane depeding on the incline.
  11. Oh yeah, wrong lanes for roundabouts. Grrr

    I'm not Mr road rage, I'll mutter under my breathe but move on. I just find it dumbfounding at the atrocious standard of drivers on the roads nowadays. They should have a compulsory 5-10 yearly refresher.
  12. I don't think much of the drivers that squeeze in front of you at the end of a dual carriage way... Then stamp on there brakes!!

    As if it hurts being behind you!!
  13. I think Horts covered my gripes adequately. Silly ladies with their children rushing to school, triple parking and blocking main routes in their 4x4 are a big problem here. We have a school by our office and they often pinch our car park. Needless to say that stopped as soon as we started blocking them in and refused to move for an hour or so.

    I have a particular woman in a BMW who always seems to be up my bottom on the way to work. She is going to maim or kill her own children one day they way she drives and overtakes me in town. But thats Darwin for you and those children will just grow up to be idiots too so best they be removed from the gene pool. Along with the idiot mother who gets very annoyed that i do 20 - 30mph in a 30mph zone and not 60mph. Theres a time and place for speeding and school hours are not them or within towns. Especially not outside schools. She has had some very near scrapes overtaking me on roundabouts, at traffic lights on high street. All on single carriageways. Its not just me either she does it to everyone.

    I confronted her once and got a barrage of foul language and abuse. I just smiled and laughed at her. This drove her nuts and amused the other mothers greatly.

    I speed. I am no angel. But as I said, time and place and never in towns. Not even on my bikes. Especially nowhere near schools at school time. Thats just insane.
  14. Mums that drive to school to do drop off when they live less than half a mile away, and literally a 5 minute walk for most people and they drive!!
  15. There should be an extra test if you want to drive one of these huge 4x4's. 9 out of 10 drivers are always in the middle of the road and most of them cannot park them. I wouldn't leave the van anywhere near one in a car park.

    And 'Parent and Child' spaces should be available to everyone after 7.oo pm....(runs off....)
  16. Moons

    Moons Guest

    Badly sign posted or laid out roadworks.

    The ones where they could have sign posted more clearly, and put the cones over a long stretch to put everyone in to one lane from two.

    Appreciate there is always some chopper that will jump the queue - but have been caught a few times myself getting stuck when I would happily have pulled in earlier has I known - and then when you get to the front the cones are 300 yards from start to finish - had they been laid out over a mile or so then people could make gaps and maintain speed.
  17. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    Parent and child spaces are annoying. Why do they get special treatment? They aren't disabled - they have kids. If anything put the spaces at the back of the car park; it might stop people having children.

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