Wanted: Rear Silencer for Type 4 with cat USA

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Mikeegee18, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Hi,
    Anyone got a USA spec silencer for sale for Lately 2.0cc 1977 , the one with the cat that fits to it .
    Many Thanks Mike
  2. Vwheritage sell them, do you need a cat as well? They do cat replacement pipes as you don't need one in the UK, they were put on for the USA market for emissions only
  3. No , I don't need a cat , it's just the silencer that's got a couple of holes in it , I reckon I could probably get away with welding them up to be fair, it's in good nick apart from that .
  4. I didn't think you could just get rid of the cat without getting the engine re set up again , I've heard there's a sensor near to it .
  5. Nah its a very dumb system, IF you have a lamda sensor it will be before the cat
  6. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Our westy hasn't got any sensors near to the Cat - they're all in the engine bay
  7. Late Cali engines had a lamda/oxygen sensor I don't think a 77 will have one though.
    MorkC68 likes this.
  8. Right ok thanks, I thought it was a bit early for that type of technology but I'm certain I'd read it somewhere about sensors been near to the cat
  9. Yeah it was all for emissions in america quite advanced for the year. But don't worry about it. Get rid of cat for definite
  10. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Its got a blanking plug and has the fitting for a sensor of sorts but no actual sensor!
    pkrboo likes this.
  11. Perfect place to put in a wideband lamda and gauge so you can assess engine tune and performance
  12. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    :lol: I woldnt have a clue what to do with one tbh!!
  13. ron


    whereabouts are you mike i,ve got one new but i don,t know if i,m gonna use it yet
    Mikeegee18 likes this.
  14. I'm in Brough, East Yorkshire approx 10 miles to the west of hull
  15. ron


    i should be able to say if its available within a week or so hopefully got another replacement to fit (if it fits) when i get the chance
    Wont be cheap though still in its original packing - bonus though is i,m just across the water in grimsby
  16. Ok Ron, if you could send a pic when you decide if your selling , I've got a friend from work that lives in cleethorpes.
    Regards Mike
  17. Yes , that's the one in the pic , it's just the silencer that I need with gaskets if you have them

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