Today is World Vegan Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Vegan Day first occurred on November 1st, 1994 as a way of commemorating the 50th anniversary of the UK Vegan Society and indeed the term “Vegan”. The Vegan Society was established in November of 1944; although the exact date was unknown. The President of the Vegan Society decided to elect the date of the 1st of November. This is now recognised as the date on which the Vegan Society was founded and on which Vegan Day would be observed.

    Along with celebrating the start of the Vegan Society, Vegan Day is an opportunity to promote the benefits of a vegan diet and veganism in general. The term Vegan was coined by Donald Watson and derived from the word Vegetarian. At that time, the differentiation was that Vegans did not consume dairy products. Later this extended to eggs, and by 1951, veganism had become a movement of people who did not partake in the exploitation of animals.

    Each year there are a number of festivals and exhibitions held around the world by vegan societies. In addition, there are many local events, talks and cooking demonstrations organised by individuals.

    Merlin Cat likes this.
  2. Pudelwagen

    Pudelwagen Supporter

    Lily livered tree hugging bunny lovers!

    Count me out!
    davidoft likes this.
  3. fair play to all the animal loving vegans out there!
    I'm only a veggie
    Merlin Cat, taiga79 and orangefeeling like this.
  4. I'm also only a veggie, I couldn't imagine life without cheese!
    paulcalf likes this.
  5. my belly would like me to quit cheese, but my mouth doesn't seem to agree
    If i was a better cook and more determined - i'd like to go vegan
  6. Today is "Flowers" Day .... ;)
  7. But if folk like me didn't exploit animals, you would never see a cow or a sheep or a chicken because they are all stupid, and with no purpose to serve or place in the natural pecking order would all be extinct.
  8. and that's absolutely fine. they are Frankenstein monsters bred by man that should have no place on this earth.
  9. Who do these people think they are?
    They are eating all the food that my food wants to eat!
    top banana racing likes this.
  10. I have adopted the French method of veggieism.
    A vegetable is something that grows in the ground or something that eats that which grows in the ground. :D
    I have genuinely seen fish and chicken and HAM! On a French veggie menu!
  11. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Merlin Cat and Jack Tatty like this.
  12. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Is that wafer thin ham?
    Merlin Cat and paulcalf like this.
  13. Eat them. Eat the vegans.
  14. Is that an excuse to spend the day 'vegging' on the couch?
  15. oooh is that how you get toenails to grow
  16. Scrawny comes to mind....:eek:
  17. You do need to boil their sandals for a while, I'll admit. Apart from that, they're much like spare ribs.
    fritt likes this.
  18. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Bet they taste just like chicken.
  19. They do taste much the same.
  20. So should I worry about the Chicken curry tonight? At least in the old days (so I'm told) a tasty piece of chicken stood a good chance of having been a neighbourhood cat, Vegans well you just don't know where they originated.

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