Things we ate as a kid

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barry Haynes, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    My little girl came in from the garden chomping on something crunchy, as I hadn't given her any food I asked her to show me what it was, a yummy swishy snail, she would have finished it off if I hadn't stopped her!! She still isn't a fussy eater so turned out well :)
  2. i didnt like faggots or brawn
    i liked fruitsalads n black jacks n milk bottles n milk lunch bars n cod balls n sweet shrimps n cigarettes . loads more i cant remember at the mo.
    i used to work on birds eye production line making those in my college holidays , bless u , if only youd known :D
    philntfc likes this.
  3. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Findus crispy pancakes now you are talking
  4. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    Curry flavoured :)
  5. oh yeh chewing tobacco coconunt . yet i never smoked .:eek:
    Barry Haynes likes this.
  6. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    Bag of chippy scraps , all the bits of batter and chips that were to small to go into a real portion, 10p I think it was, yum
    Barry Haynes likes this.
  7. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    We used to get coconuts too as a treat , bought one for the children recently and I excitedly smashed it open to get the milk out and eat all the white , it's was dissapointing, didn't taste like a bounty bar or anything :(
  8. winkles n shrimps i caught
  9. These we used to get them from the machines at the railway stations

  10. spanish gold eating tabaco sweets, hedge hogs , moon dust, milk teeth ,white mice , winter mixtures sweets ,texan bars , danties , bubble gum , ie bubblies , owen nw
  11. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    I used to love that coconut tobacco
  12. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    I'm just glad you corrected the title, it was doing my head in. :thumbsup:
  13. jamboree bags
  14. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    I loved jamboree bags as a kid, but the toys in them were crap
  15. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Does anyone remember the rockets you could buy that you put a cap in the end ?
  16. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Barneyrubble didn't that chocolate from the railway machines taste superb
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  17. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    When I was growing up we used to dream of owning a slug as a family pet.

    A slug was seen as the Rolls Royce of gastropod moluscs'....none of this naff shell malarky....
  18. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Cigarette sweets - the most improbably sweet to ever make a comeback:

    dave likes this.
  19. I know a kid who owned a pet bat,but he only used to play out after dark.;)
    cunny44 likes this.
  20. A Nestle's Crunch from a vending machine on the Underground did have a certain taste. I think it was asbestos brake dust...
    Barry Haynes likes this.

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