The Purple Pineapple

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by Millie, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]:)
    Millie likes this.

  2. Mmm, cocktails. Reminds me of Springcamp last year.:cheers:
    Dazza likes this.
  3. hope your ok , we missed the fun and you n the rest :beer:this easter
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
  4. I'm well thanks Barn. Hope you and the lovely Betty are too, and that we can catch up with each other for some more Sourz this year. :thumbsup:
  5. Managed to get out and about in the bus quite a bit.

    Easter egg run with @oxiderenegade

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    Alive and Vdubbin with Hebba, whose roof leaks.

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    Renegade cruise to Holt Park

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    And a few other club cruises and shows

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    And of course TLB springcamp where I arrived and departed in style

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    Day, volkswombat, Dazza and 4 others like this.
  6. Had a 4" narrowed adjustable beam put on. I need to change the exhaust before I go any lower.

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  7. glad your still giving it large millz , we want to get up to maybe woodland waters or rutland water at some time hopefully :)
  8. Always giving it large Barn. :p You're not by any chance camping around this way the weekend of 13th May? Row and I are having a little camp that weekend near Holt.
    sANDYbAY likes this.
  9. no fraid nooowt bizzy munf may as takin ma yodelin in the hillocks of awstria bless er :D. you two would luv @Keith.H iz field its really chilled n boozy :D campin in the cotswolds in events :thumbsup:
    Millie and Keith.H like this.
  10. More the merrier :)
    Millie likes this.
  11. lol
  12. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Ohh! Holt's nice, is there a show on or is it just a private get together?
  13. Thanks for starting the resto thread, Millie! Having seen the finished roof at Springcamp last year it's good to see the 'before' and 'during' piccies and I'm looking forward to seeing more piccies as you progress.

    Hopefully we'll meet up again at one of this year's TLB meets.
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  14. She has been working so hard on this his she has become a hermit ....lI have helped loads of course ....untainted two major job....buying pineapple lights and collecting curtain track ..I am helpful like that :)
    Zed, Flakey and MK-Bay like this.
  15. :cool::thumbsup:
    Millie likes this.
  16. Not a show I'm afraid, just a few mates getting together. :beer:
  17. Thanks MK! Yep, the roof was certainly in a state before, it was definitely the hardest bit to do. Hope to see you at TLB soiree sometime too. :thumbsup:
  18. The pineapple lights and curtain tracks are very important pieces of equipment. I'm glad I entrusted their purchase to you. Still owe you a couple of licks for that. :p
    oxiderenegade likes this.
  19. So had a great summer in it and then I uttered the fateful words about how well it was running, how quick it was, especially without all the heavy wood interior, and what a bargain I'd got.

    Yep, the engine blew up. Which may or may not have been my fault, oops. But we'll go with it would've happened anyway, right.

    Decided to go for a Vege 1600 recon. I think it was about £1500. So back to my mate's driveway it went. Got a new clutch as well, as the old one was the wrong one and got heat exchangers and a fireboy fitted.

    Yay! I've got a new purple engine. Please please don't let me kill this one as well. aug2015f (800x600).jpg

    Couldn't wait to get in it and drive it home. Very carefully obviously. Oh wait, what's that grating noise whenever I use the (new) clutch. Phoned the suppliers to see what they thought and they said hopefully it just needed bedding in. They said if the noise hadn't gone by the time I'd run the engine in, to get back to them. Great, so I had 500 miles to do wondering if the engine needed to come out again.

    I was soon clocking the miles up including our club Halloween charity cruise to the local children's hospital. It was definitely not a fix that my bus won third prize in the fancy dress competition. 12193289_10208205951811587_1084071075479953937_n2 (640x480).jpg
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2016
  20. I was planning to take it off the road again end of December. Then some little charmer tried to break into it, outside mine. What a crap thief, they couldn't even get the door open. They just mangled the lock. As I didn't have a key for the passenger side or sliding door I now had to get in and out of the rear hatch. Classy.

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    I thought it'd be safer out at my mum's so took it there the beginning of November, but didn't get the lovely spacious warm gazebo up until middle of December.

    Now that I'd got the purple on around the rear vents, the orange inside the vents looked too red next to the bluey purple. So with a bit of masking tape hopefully I wouldn't make too much of mess when redoing the proper shade.

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    Next I took off the bumper, engine lid and valance. Ah, yes, you lates can't do that can you. :hattip:And painted as much of the engine bay I could get to.

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