The fireworks have started

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Woodylubber, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. Since when did lying on a pile of books and magazines under a table seem like a good idea?
    When she gets scared all signs of intelligence go out the window and she turns into an idiot. She tried to get under the sofa too and thats only a 4" gap. ::)

    One of my mother-in-laws lurcher just curled up in a fetal position and shook all night. :(

    Still, only another week or so to go.
  2. Aww - poor pooches ... :(

    We went to an organised firework display last night, and unbelievably, someone had taken their dog - he was absolutely fine with the noise (apparently he wagged his tail throughout, and just barked at the first firework)! I know not all animals are scared by fireworks, but I've never met one before that was quite so chilled out by it all!
  3. zebedee, get on the dogsndubs facebook page. There are some interesting posts about calming scared dogs. Might work with your doggies ;)
  4. Mine used to like the music on lol
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    we took both dogs to a display last night we left them in the van curtains closed lights all on and radio on loud, they slept through it all and were happy - we must be lucky!
  6. Eddie seems to be unfazed by them at the moment, occasionally puts his ears up if there's a loud one, but content on the sofa. He does better than me - I've not been that keen on them ever since a few years ago when I got hit by one that had been thrown by someone - it exploded just as it hit me. :(
  8. Have you heard of thunder vests? The idea is that if animals feel pressure on their body, they calm down. The thunder vests are dog coats which are weighted and tight on the body, but they are very expensive to buy.

    Someone on the dogsndubs facebook page tried to recreate this with their very nervous dog by putting a tight tee-shirt on it. It seems to have worked :)
  10. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Milly is currently hiding in a den I've made her out of cushions
  11. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Gus & George have been skitty all day & acting strange, we will be glad when they have done so we can let them out again!
  12. As I said I would went round to the neighbours with pets and advised them we were having fireworks ... from one house we got well "he loves fireworks" this particular dog barks at everything ??? even when I walk out into my garden so probably barked a lot at the fireworks. Suppose gun dogs should be better with loud noises than some other breeds ?

    Hopefully no more fireworks after tonight for those of you with dogs ... until new year
  13. Goin bonkers round ear. Shame e got it wrong really ;D , Would have saved us all alot of money in one way or another :hippy: ::)
  14. All fireworks are now 1/2 price in the shops round here today so expecting another week or so of noise and my colli x refusing to go outside after dark. :(

    Found the remains of a rocket on the roofrack of my westy this morning. Made a small dent in the roof on it re-entry from space going by the size of it. It was the size of one of those silicone sealant tubes and says "for display use only - not for public sale. Stand 50m away."
    The local chavs are setting them off in their 4m square gardens. ::)
  15. To any edgit who has saved their fireworks to set off after Bonfire night :-

    Oi! Numpty! It does not make your firework 'display' special, it makes you a prize A :censored: :mad:
  16. and during the daytime too, the school run! words fail me

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