The fireworks have started

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Woodylubber, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Well they have round here :eek: Every five minutes its Boom my dogs going up the wall she hates them, I live in a semi-rural location so maybe its not has bad as some areas but it really gets on my tits, I thought they were gonna ban em and only let organised events take place
  2. :lol:

    I miss been a lad and putting a banger in ya postbox and air bomb in ya metal dust bin...

    Those were the days... ;D

    roundhay park Leeds has a excellent display... O0
  4. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    can still remember throwing air bomb repeater under the tunnel that goes under the railway, jesus the bang nearly blew me ears off!
  5. I'm glad we live nowhere near a town, so can chose when to see fireworks and not have to put up with them for weeks before the actual event.
  7. Was walking the dogs tonight - got within 100 yards of the gates - then BOOM!!!! Diggy hates fireworks so he started pulling me back home, Womble thought it was great fun so started pulling while attacking Diggy.

  9. The problem with the plug ins is you need to be using them for a while before the noises start and they only work in a small way. Desensitising CDs need even longer. Pùca's terrified of fireworks but thankfully as she's getting older her hearing's not as sensitive so if there's music playing or the TV on she's not too bad. We try to get away from fireworks during the mad times but there's always a few egdits that bring fireworks to campsites :(
  10. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    So I took the dog out just before it got dark for a poo and just as she was squeezing one out "BANG" :eek: nipped it off and ran home like clappers, its not good is it
  11. poor thing i would of carried on crappin :eek:
  12. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    poor Millie :(
  13. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Back down in Lutonshire it was all year round every saturday and a few weeknights I would refer to it as Terrorist training night.
  14. non yet here although the rain might be the reason.
  15. Poor Diggy is terrified of any loud bangs or sudden noises. From the moment the first firework goes off he will refuse to go outside after dark, which is a nightmare when the clocks go back as it's permanently dark and we have to very literally drag the poor beggar outside for a wee.

    He hides in the wardrobe and works himself up to a right state. On the worst nights he has to be sedated which I hate doing, but does at least enable him to sleep.

    I used to love fireworks until I got a dog. Now I hate them with a passion, and would gladly rip anyone from limb to limb with my bare hands if I catch them throwing them in the street.
  16. Woody, make it your mission to find out which shop keeper is selling them and them dob em in to the police. They should not be selling them to kids so deserve to be prosecuted >:D >:D >:D
  17. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

  18. Not had any round here yet, but theres a load of shooting being going on for the past few weeks. Starting at 8am and not stopping until after 7 on a night, 3 or 4 days a week.
    Lucy out Collie x is scared stiff of loud noises so won't go out if she hears a bang. Helicopters and planes have started scaring her too so if she's outside and one flies overhead she'll make a run for the door to get in.

    After the fireworks are over it takes at least a couple of weeks before she'll venture outside after dark without being dragged out on her lead.:(
  19. Ah 'dog lovers'
    Take an animal, mess with it's pack instincts substituting yourself as 'pack leader'. Define when the animal eats, sleeps, exercises. Anthropomorphise it's behaviours, call it 'friend', define it's total reliance on you as 'unconditional love'.

    So people who make loud noises outside the permitted places and dates startling the by now completely screwed (aka 'domesticated') animal are beyond the pale?

    Nothing compared to what 'dog lovers' have done to these creatures IMHO!

    Too much? Dogs are wonderful creatures, what we've done to them, messing with them right down to a genetic level, says a lot about us humans doesn't it...


    Breed for looks:
    “It is the most extreme example of genetic manipulation in the dog-breeding world that results in congenital and hereditary problems,”


    Better to blow up a dog than...

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