Tape Cassettes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Geordie, Mar 19, 2019.

  1. There's some crackers there, but who knew Sir Cliff released his Private Collection :eek:
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2019
    Lasty and Geordie like this.
  2. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    We use bits of old blank casette tape as mini windsocks when we set out yacht racing courses which have to have the first leg of the race straight into the wind.

    Worked on Digital Compact Cassette in the last days. It was like MP3 on an 18 track digital 1/8" wide cassette tape.
    Philips Semiconductors first million transistor chip came out of that project.. which I delayed for 3 days at tape-out for production by messing up a bit of an audio filter design.. a few people not me got lots of overtime.
    Funny thing was the digital heads were also superb hifi analog playback heads.. as they had a head gap effectively a micron wide and measured the precise magnetisation of the tape rather than using the magnetisation changing to drive the playback heads like a generator which was not as accurate.
    The portable players were rubbish as the music stopped if you jogged with the player on your belt.
    Just as well we were out evolved by tiny 1.8 inch hard disk drives then flash memories.
    Gingerbus, Geordie, scrooge95 and 2 others like this.
  3. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    Sometimes it’s like you speak a different language Mike! :D
    But I do remember the fairly fleeting battle of new digital media in the early 90s, between DCC and mini disc, neither of which had a particularly long life as it turned out. My post grad final dissertation was on the rise of digital audio over analogue, and how ‘sampling’ would ( in my opinion back then) never be comparable to pure analogue sound, the recording media being what let non digital audio down rather than what our ears actually heard and appreciated. Complete arty b0llox of course, as expected from an idealistic 20something with a large record collection, but my prediction that vinyl would never die actually wasn’t too wide of the mark. Ha! *slightly smug face* :D
    mikedjames, snotty, Lasty and 4 others like this.
  4. I'm slightly concerned about the "strokin clarence carter " tape. Was it free with a copy of Forum?
  5. I spotted that as well. You know Clarence eventually went blind?
    F_Pantos and beatnick like this.
  6. Ha , I just listened to strokin on youtube, try it Snotty, go on.I didnt fancy listening to his other hit record, Back door Santa.
  7. :eek:
  8. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    That is because a true direct cut vinyl disc can reproduce transient signals that digital only approximates. And it doesnt do tricks like MP3 does where it drops the quality of sounds you arent supposed to be hearing. But we could tell ..
    Gingerbus and scrooge95 like this.
  9. Jules65

    Jules65 Supporter

    Whilst clearing out my parents garage I came across some cassettes

    The Glenn Miller Story
    Sweet Rhythm - Van McCoy
    Listen to the Band - Band of the Royal Corps of Signals
    Best of George Benson, volumes 1&2
    Delegation - Eau de Vie and Real Thing - The Force
    Smokey Robinson - Being wit You and Blackbyrds - Better Days
    Billy Ocean - Tear Down These Walls
    Jazz Funk compilations
    Chris Rea - Ace of Hearts and Paul Young - Secret of Association
    Detroit Spinners - Lov Trippin and Billy Ocean - City Limit
    Celine Dion



    Any good to you @Geordie ?
    IZZYBAY and Gingerbus like this.
  10. Have you got any Barry White?
  11. Jules65

    Jules65 Supporter

    Not on cassette. I’ve got some CDs though that I play regularly as Bazza was the first song my latest wife and I danced to at our wedding........”you’re my 3rd, my last, the other 2 took everything”

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