Ta ra chuck

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barneyrubble, May 15, 2015.

  1. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    As long as England (what's left) doesn't start claiming France back and start another 100years war, we the English here don't want you .
  2. Europe is soon going to be filled with North African boat people so there will be no space left. The only unoccupied property left in Europe for you to develop are the empty Greek bank vaults. Ukraine any one?
    Tuesday wildchild likes this.
  3. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    We brought a banana plant the other day so if I get a few more I could 'employe' some of the Africans to work in my plantation, I'd of course let them sleep in the unconverted barn for a small rent. :)
    Jono1249 likes this.
  4. I'm still trying to figure out how come they've got more and better boats and ships than the Royal Navy.
    Anyway Comrade Willdchild, I'm packing at the moment to emigrate. 20 miles down the road to Lincoln for the weekend. Vodka any one?
    Tuesday wildchild likes this.
  5. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Best you stop drinking now as that Lincoln is norf of Newark-of-pikey.

    Stay clear of steep hill( it is steeeeeeeeep) and have a good weekend sir.
  6. Last year I pushed my 12 year old up in her wheel chair. Knackered. The hardest part was holding on to her coming down! Had forearms like Popeye at the bottom.
    Thank you and take it steady yourself.
    PS. Just thought of a better business opportunity for you. Forget the banana plants, dig out a pool and employ them as swimming instructors. The French never had a good swimming team.
  7. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Lightweight, one Christmas fair we came upon a old man pushing his wife up it , she wasnt a small woman, I stupidly took over.

    LeF has the pool market, I like my big expansive lawn.
    Jono1249 likes this.
  8. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    You related to Peter Rachman by any chance?:thinking:
  9. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Sadly no.
  10. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Bugger that, Africa will be empty and the weather there is nicer than here, that's the new up and coming market I think..,
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  11. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Not forgetting its very dry so good for the buses.
    Moons likes this.
  12. more mineral rock africa way too why dont we all go south n leave um too it ?? , trubble is chinese are already their thou i think .
    Moons likes this.
  13. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Another thing with Africa is you can play pirates when visiting the west coast.
    Jono1249 and Barneyrubble like this.
  14. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    So that's take always sorted, bonus!!
    Tuesday wildchild likes this.
  15. :eek: take always :eek:
  16. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Yes its affica, we the the western world has always taken out of it what we wanted. :)
  17. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    I missed the away word
    Barneyrubble likes this.

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