Sliding windows

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Paul Weeding, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Selling for a mate of mine... collection from Barnsley only

    1 pair of black framed sliding windows....

    As they're £235 a piece new now, he's asking £150 for the pair....

    I'll get some photos up if he's got any!! :thumbsup:
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    i want 1 anyone fancy halfs?
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    me neither but someone somewhere does #tlbwaysandmeans
  4. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    If some one from Yorkshireland could bring them to Wilma's Blackpool bash, I could bring them down to Dubreeze :thinking:
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    cool, we could be on then, we made half way to london so far.
  6. :lol: good work guys

    pics for you

    and a little bit of overspray on the corner of one!!
  7. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    there in good nick :thumbsup:
  8. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    so, unless someone wants both i'm up for 1 of them, just incase i haven't made it clear.... that's a concrete offer, but obviously if someone wants both then fair enough - i lose.
  9. I'd be interested in one for the right hand side, if any one could get it any where near Portsmouth
  10. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  11. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    If they are handed i'll have the left one for my slider and pick them up, don't know how i'll get the other one to either of you two thou, where in barnsley is he ??? do they use the existing seal from a normal window
  12. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  13. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  14. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  15. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    there's me thinking the dub scene was about buying if you wanted summat at a price you can afford, not just 'cos they are cheap, when i said i was interested in dubious' one you jumped in and said i'll have it, then zed was selling and you said i'll have it.... i said jesus how many you need? you said one each side....what you got now? a stretch bay?
    message to self - play nice - don't get, i could buy both and fetch yes, for £150 i could then sell one for a ton and i win - but i won't 'cos i only want one.
  16. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    split the difference between yourself and Woody, you showed interest first Rick
  17. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  18. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  19. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    as i said up there ^ i need the one for my slider which being a left hand drive is the right side of the van, but as i also say, diddy made a comment he wanted that one and also to be fair to woody "if" they get split up he's before you, i'm gonna wait and see what gets said by the seller and let karma decide.

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