Show us the last picture you took on your phone. (VW related or not!)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by top banana racing, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. I think it’s a marker to show the deep channel in the estuary. I did see a nutter out with an inflatable though.
    Dub and Dubber likes this.
  2. 5EA2D22D-9401-4169-A2A1-BFC321317575.jpeg

    This crazy fool went right out into the bay. In very strong winds. Idiot.
    Dub and Dubber likes this.

  3. Kayak £39.99 Lidl ???
  4. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Yep he gave me some advice when I had a problem down stairs ...........

    I got locked in the cellar:p
    snotty likes this.
  5. A room with a view.
    Hallom (i) with a view.

  6. I can’t believe you’ve got her making up the new cabinets for your bay.
    Jack Tatty and paradox like this.
  7. She’s very adaptable
  8. You can’t beat a bit of child labour. The Victorians had it right.
    crossy2112, Jack Tatty and snotty like this.
  9. Looks very studious in her specs, bless.
  10. He’s back E98557F8-081F-44BA-B2C6-5621A5B4B409.jpeg
  11. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    Phoned up the Elephant Boatyard this morning to book time on a crane. They never got back to me so I went to visit and stand there until they sorted me out.

    This is the access road to this historic boatyard by the Hamble. I though it was an interesting drive. Basically up a railway embankment.

    The "building" is the old Itchen Ferry, retired in 1977 now a boatyard office and a restaurant.

    They used to have a gate to the next door boatyard on the level but the other yard put up barbed wire and chains.

    art b likes this.
  12. Dinner Ready , Don't tell the wife fullsizeoutput_22e0.jpeg
    Kruger, crossy2112, Lazy Andy and 5 others like this.
  13. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    Picnic in the New Forest on Saturday with the Kombi life, Hasta Alaska crew
    Kruger, MorkC68, Louey and 6 others like this.
  14. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    It's foggy this morning

  15. I suspect your next Sunday lunch might have a slight aftertaste of high-temp paint...
    scrooge95, F_Pantos and Popsy like this.
  16. Louey

    Louey Moderator

    :eek:ops I got to work this morning and went to get my lock off the bike racks and realised that I had locked it around a colleague's bike last night.

    I left them a little present as a way of an apology

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2019

  17. How come they have the original kombi life vehicle there. I thought that was given away in a competition?
  18. The guy who won it has imported it back here
    paulcalf likes this.
  19. Anyone need any fake turf? :eek:
    2019-06-18 09.11.07.jpg
    Geordie and Dub and Dubber like this.

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