Set up to fail....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by vanorak, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]
    vanorak likes this.
  2. chewits?
  3. cant say
  4. [​IMG]The neighbours are at it
    vanorak and Barneyrubble like this.
  5. Come on Barney....don't be so coy!

    Curly Wurly's?
  6. Licorice pipes?
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  7. everlasting strip was the curly wurly of my day o_O
  8. Come on jivedubbin...let the man speak for himself....
  9. I was the real kes ,shoplifting was second nature ,the milkman used to take his wife on the round to guard the milk float...:lol:
    Jack Tatty, Woodylubber and vanorak like this.
  10. FTFY....
  11. At the school i went to ,P/E teacher would belt the last kid on the cross country , no fags for us!<any you guys and your mates ever ? go swimming in the local river during summer?u know, water rats sharing the gig ,the dead dog floating by,(and don"t start me on mates doing that flicking wet towel at you,well sore!)
  12. kev


  13. where did that come from?
  14. Is that Gerry Adams?
  15. kev


    My little boys been under the van with me since he can walk a bit of dirt never hurt anybody
    Theres to much h and e these days

    Our school was shut last year as there was ice on the path :(
    steveagain likes this.
  16. Do you mean Health and Safety? "H&E" implies Health and Efficiency, which involves naked Swedish women with beachballs :)
    jivedubbin and vanorak like this.
  17. kev


    Im happy with anything naked :)
    snotty likes this.
  18. I'd draw the line at welding, meself :eek:
    steveagain and kev like this.
  19. yeh i look nothing like him , i wondered who he reminded me of :eek:

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