"Scrap ironnnnn"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Duble agent V.W.Ford, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. Sawn off shotgun may be required to fend off whoevers patch you're on.
  2. Done a bit of mooching around and it's a little vague applying for a waste carriers licence and the cost varies a bit. I might just scrap the Transit and call it quits. :confused:
  3. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    I'll have some of your finest lucky heather my man, and no fobbing me off with some weeds you've thieved off a grave, d'ya hear!
  4. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    It has all got harder thanks to the Transits full of lead and copper leaving the vicinity of churches and railway and telephone lines.

    So they set up the rules to prevent anybody being paid cash for the scrap, so they can trace you.
  5. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    No money in scrap anymore.Around here,about 6 or so years ago,even the manhole lids were being taken.No,the money now is in natural stone.Rich people are moving into and around the area and doing up the older houses.Lots of stone walling on the mendips are going missing.Peoples flagstones are being taken from older garden,e.t.c.
  6. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    Incidentally,my father was a scrap dealer back in the '70's.He sold it all up and we moved to a farm in 77 when i was 9.But he kept 3 6'x 5' crates of copper wire that he got from somewhere(?). Myself and my older brother spent days up in the field with it all burning all the plastic off of it.(those were the days,no environmental pc back then).
    He then sold all the cable and bought himself a 1972 Mercades saloon.(only 5 years old) as a 'retirement present' from the scrap dealing.
  7. So once again, one of my little money making schemes has turned out to be a money losing scheme? Money seems to run through my fingers faster than boiling water!
  8. This time next year Rodney
  9. i love the attempts at an irish asscent not lol i sent this to para very funny

  10. Two bob two bob
  11. :eek::rolleyes::D
  12. so ye liked that barney bet it mad ye laugh lol
  13. Hi good ta see ya back bud , me laugh tbtd:D
  14. That's because it was an attempt at a Pikey accent not an Irish one.

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