Rear Castle nuts ! Split pins !

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Flying Pig, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Hi all ! could someone please tell me the size of the split pins i need to secure the castle nuts on the rear of my bus ? . Cheers Mick :thumbsup:
  2. as big as will fit in the hole basically
  3. Would i be right in saying 5mm x 63mm ?
  4. Dunno. Go and measure your nuts.
    zed and NatchoNatchoMan like this.
  5. I use an old nail ,bent of course...:thumbsup:
    paradox and Robo like this.
  6. I would like to point out that the split pins do not hold the castle nuts on, they are just a visual indicator to say that the nut has been torqued (the torque actually holds the nut on) :)
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    ...unless summat goes pear-shaped and the torque gets lost...
  8. and then the split pin gets guillotined off by the nut :lol:
  9. Oh, and I wasn't suggesting that you (anyone) shouldn't need to install split pins :lol:

    They need to be there :cool:
  10. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Paul, I had an early in once where a drums had really worn on the surface the castle nut tightens against, perhaps not tightened enough in the first place, who knows? The castle nuts came off by hand once the pin was removed, but the pins had kept them on despite the drum rattling about. You see some worrying stuff in this old bus game don't you?

    Deffo fit the pins. :thumbsup:
  11. You certainly do :eek:

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