Points securing screw

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by keithandtrudystype2, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. Anyyone know what thread size the screw is that fixes the points?
  2. Ok now found one to fit, lost the other one somewhere, god you need to be a surgeon to do the points on a type 4 engine!
  3. pull the dizzy out... it's what I do :)
  4. M5 btw :)
  5. Next time I will pull the thing out, what a load of hassle!!!
  6. nah... not too much hassle... undo the 13mm nut, dizzy n clamp come out in a oner :thumbsup:

    Almost as bad on a type 1 engine in a bay :eek:
  7. Unless you've a neck like ET, setting the points on a T1 is near impossible. Dissy out every time!
  8. I quite enjoy sitting on the floor, dizzy between my knees setting the points... kinda therapeutic :lol:
  9. suppose with the dizzy out there is no chance of loosing the screw!
  10. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Paul Weeding likes this.
  11. :lol: probably :lol:

    I do like fixing VWs, so it is probably a given ;)
    bernjb56 likes this.

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