WANTED Plastic trim for the warm vents on top of dash

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by PeaSoup, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Am after a pair of the plastic cover trims that go on the warm air vents on the top of the dash.

    If anyone has a pair spare please could you let me know price including postage to Oxford and if possible post a photo.


  2. Are you all sorted ?
  3. No, not yet. Don't really want to fork out for new ones, but mine are really tatty and falling apart!
  4. Dude they're only £7 each less the cool air discount... :)

    Any second hand ones are likely to be the same as yours, or have busted clips from some heavy handed removal :)
    bigrich likes this.
  5. My funds for doing my van have got to the "essential only" stage and so in my opinion is worth asking if anyone has any spares even if it only saves me a few pounds. Agree £7 for a part isn't much, but when you start multiplying that up for all the bits I keep having to buy it's a fortune!

    How do we go about getting discount from CoolAir? Have ordered loads from there over the last year and didn't realise until a couple of weeks ago that we can get a discount - very annoying. Thanks.

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